Those warm words

Charlotte showed the list of the servants to Édouard and told him they had to find out about their whereabouts.

"They are a lot," Édouard said as he looked at the list. "More a hundred servants," he added. "Thank you." He smiled at her and kissed her lips.

"You don't need to be. I am happy to do this work. It is fun," Charlotte said and took the diary from him. She put it inside the bedside drawer and again turned to him.

"Let me do it," Charlotte brought her hands to the waistcoat's top button while Édouard lowered his hands. "Royal Mother wants to see you in the evening," she informed him and glanced at him for a brief moment.

"Did you talk to Mother?" Édouard queried.

"I did," Charlotte said.

"Thank you, Love. I did not know how to talk with my mother and ask her to tell me about the past," Édouard asserted.