None in my family knows [Bonus chapter]

"Charlotte, these files do not mention anything about the incidents in the palace from that time," Édouard said as he stacked the five files together.

"So, we need to put them back in the archive center," Charlotte said.

"I will do that," Édouard replied. "What about you? Did you find anything useful?" he asked.

"Nothing. It seems they have not recorded anything in that particular period for some reason. I asked about Uncle Philip from my Father, but he had no idea about this. Since he was never a part of the palace affair, he only heard what everyone knew," Charlotte asserted.

Édouard took the file from her and looked at the wall clock. "It's already three. Let's do the rest tomorrow. We do not have to rush anything," he opined and got down the bed. He put the read files on one side of the cupboard.

As he closed the cupboard, he heard Charlotte say, "Édouard, did Damien and Andrew return from the Barnard family home?"