I sold it [Bonus chapter]

"What do you mean?" Charlotte was worried upon hearing Édouard's words. They both went to the bed and settled on the mattress. The sky thundered which scared Charlotte and she tightly held Édouard's hand. After that thunder, the rain started pouring.

He caressed her hand and told her they should go to bed.

"You were feeling strange. You did not tell me the reason," Charlotte said.

"I think it's because we are moving closer to the truth," he opined. She hummed and told him such feelings were common to occur. "I change into the night dress. You should do the same," she stated. Taking a night dress from the cupboard, she went to the bathroom while Édouard stayed on the bed.

He took out Katherine's old picture and beheld it. "Is Aunt Katherine not happy? Perhaps she did not get the peace," Édouard deduced and rose to his feet. He put the picture inside the diary which he used to keep the necessary details of his work and left to change his clothes.