Édouard is my son

"Bring the necklace," Leticia ordered and the servant quickly complied with her order.

Suzanne rose to her feet as her mother approached her. "It is a crucial day for us, Suzanne. Everyone in the capital knows how you act and the young men from noble families hesitated to send the proposal for you despite your father's and two brother's status in the Kingdom," she said. The concern was clear in her voice for her daughter.

"Perhaps no one was suitable for me, Mama," Suzanne said while keeping her optimistic outlook.

"Mr. Josef is the one for you. He has no problem with the way you dress, or act. I told everything to him before he could find it from the others and he had no problem with that. Just be a good housewife to him and he will keep you above his eyes," Joss said and stood up. Tristan could not sit on the sofa as his elders were already standing, so he also left the seat on the sofa.