Tough to fight [Bonus chapter]

Christian smiled to hear Édouard's words, and the same words reminded him of his late father, the former late king. He vividly remembered when Philip and he had a fight over Anneliese. Christian's father also taught him the lesson of forgiveness to feel happiness. However, he could never learn it.

"I will do that," Christian said. He wanted to lead a happy life too and he needed to forgive his wife. This sudden realization filled him with new energy.

Édouard was relieved to hear it. "I have decided to visit the graves of my late parents. I wanted to inform Father about it," he stated.

"I will go too," Christian said.

Édouard was astonished to hear him.

"I should have listened to Philip and believed him. I should pay a tribute to him and his wife," Christian asserted. "You don't have to go today since a formal announcement will be made. Moreover, I have some work to complete today," he asserted.