Hesitate to harm

Charlotte thanked Zara for the flower bouquet and inhaled the scents of them. "Thank you for these," She said and found Zara could not stop smiling.

When Charlotte asked the reason behind her never-ending smile, Zara replied astonished all of them. "It is a dream come true to see the Princess. I have been asking my brother for a long time. I could see Her Grace only from afar the day she got wedded and His Grace's birthday."

"Your words mean a lot to me, Zara," Charlotte said and asked Zoe to serve orange juice to them. Zoe bowed and went to the kitchen to bring the orange juice. Charlotte left her seat and placed the flowers into the vase.

"Why didn't Rainard bring his sister earlier? She is such a sweet girl," Charlotte complimented her and returned to the seat next to Édouard.

"Oh, I wanted to, Your Grace. But I could not find the right time," Rainard answered.

"Brother is always busy, Your Grace. Only these days he is free," Zara asserted.