I want to draw you [Bonus chapter]

Andrew was surprised to find from Simone that his mother would soon come to the palace. But how did that happen? She was banished from the capital! He asked Simone about the same.

"Prince Édouard has asked His Majesty," Simone replied.

Andrew was shocked to learn about it. Why Édouard requested the pardoning of Beatrice's punishment? She was supposed to live in isolation, where she had no one around her.

"Sir Igor told me that Prince Charlotte has taken the decision along with Prince Édouard. Her Highness Consort Beatrice was influenced by Consort Ariane. That's why they both have decided on this. Prince Andrew shall celebrate his mother's arrival at the palace," Simone stated with a smile.

Andrew didn't find it a nice idea of bringing Beatrice to the palace. He decided to ask once about it from Édouard in the evening.

"His Highness does not seem happy," Simone humbly said after noticing how Andrew's brows knitted together.