Get ready to suffer

Andrew finished drawing Francesca and put the palette down. He told her she could move and she finally moved from her place. Her legs ached from standing for over an hour, but she did not complain about it. She slowly walked up when Andrew came to her and held her right hand.

"Forgive me for making you stand for such a long time," Andrew humbly said and took her to the chair. He made her sit on the chair despite she refused to sit.

"His Highness also stood for such a long time. He should sit here. I am used to it," Francesca said.

"You are my lady, so making you stand does not suit me," Andrew asserted and went toward the drawing board.

"I am eager to see myself," Francesca said. Andrew smiled and turned the drawing board toward her. She was mesmerized to see her standing portrait and it made her smile brightly.

"You have beautiful hair and eyes, Francesca," Andrew said and told her he did his best in showing that part the best in the portrait. "Don't get up," he said.