I will come to you

In late noon, Andrew finished his work in the judicial office and asked Sergeant Geoffrey to leave for the palace. He, on the other hand, headed to see Francesca. During that time, most people were heading to their homes after work, so many noticed Andrew.

As he entered the colony where only elite-class people lived, he slowed the horse's speed and pulled its reins in front of the Finley Mansion.

Getting off the horse, Andrew went in and was warmly welcomed by the Finley family.

However, to his surprise, Francesca had gone to the market with her neighborhood friends.

Andrew was disappointed to know that. He thought he would spend some time with Francesca before heading to the palace.

Nicholas asked him to sit for a while but Andrew refused politely. "I would love to, but Miss Finley isn't here, so..." he paused for a second, "I hope you understand, Mr. Finley."

"Of course, I understand, Your Highness. I apologize for my daughter's absence," Nicholas humbly said.