Asking the wrong person [Bonus chapter]

"What did Prince Damien and you talk about?" Joss asked his sister, who was eating the fruit custard after dinner.

"Why does Brother Joss want to know?" Suzanne queried.

"You threw mud at the Prince. Do you know Prince Damien could have given you a stringent punishment?" Joss frowned at her.

"Don't act smart, Brother. You already know what Prince Damien and I could have possibly talked about since you were the one, who sent Prince Damien here," Suzanne said. "It turns out to be delicious today," she liked the custard's taste.

"Did Prince Damien tell you that I met him?" Joss questioned.

"He is not like my elder brother. I am not naive, who will not understand your trick," Suzanne asserted.

"You should calm down, Suzanne. Joss was worried for you since you were not taking your meals. We all were anxious for your health. That's why he requested Prince Damien to come here," Tristan stated. As a mediator, he would always pacify the situation between the two siblings.