The Prince is drunk!

"Then, you should tell your decision to the King. Since Édouard isn't here, it is easier for you to send your mother away," Damien suggested, swirling the wine glass in his hand.

"I cannot do that. I mentioned already how I asked Mother to show the change through her action," Andrew opined, a smile forming on his lips. "Do you know an interesting fact about my life?" he asked.

"Hmm. Tell," Damien responded, taking a sip of the wine.

"I have often been devalued in people's eyes because my mother was a mistress. Why does she have to be a mistress? Then, after many years, I came to the conclusion that everyone likes to be at the highest level of the power hierarchy," Andrew asserted, reaching for the bottle to pour more wine into his glass.

"Why do you think you have no respect in people's eyes?" Damien queried.