I will go to the Western Province [Bonus chapter]

Jemeiah looked at his mother, Sarah, in confusion. "Why does Mother want me to get a separate territory for myself? I am happy to be in the palace," Jemeiah stated.

"So that you can have a name of your own," Sarah asserted. "Prince Jemeiah should gather strength for himself so that in the future, he didn't have to be scared of his brothers," she explained.

"Why do I have to be scared of other princes, Mother? All of them are nice. Also, we princes can work together from here and go to the provinces when we feel the situation isn't right," Jemeiah pronounced.

Sarah snickered to learn her son's thoughts. "My child, do you think the Princes will think about you? Recently, the three princes worked together while you are kept out of the discussions. This way no one will even know about your existence," she stated.