Not a non-romantic person either [Bonus chapter]

Édouard met Silas' family and from them, he found out he did earn a lot of wealth in the shortest time, but from where and how they had no idea. What Silas told Damien was true because his wife's family trading business was another reason behind their prosperity.

But what's the use of such prosperity when the head of the house passed away at an early age?

Édouard took his leave and got into the carriage. Ramiro also entered the carriage and the coachman closed its door.

"How does Your Grace wish to see Casimir? Does he want to check his past work or want to meet him directly?" Ramiro inquired.

"Casimir is strengthening himself. He must have received special privileges from Mathieu, who joined his society at that time. I don't desire to play hide and seek," Édouard affirmed, a menacing expression taking over his face.