Mother, please don't do this

In the evening, Rainard brought Zara home when he heard from his mother that Tove suddenly left work.

"She was so good with household chores. I didn't expect her to leave so suddenly," Jane said with a sigh and asked Rainard to tell Gabriel to bring the list of some good servants. "I will hire one among them," she murmured and handed the glass of water to her son.

Rainard drank the water while confused. He placed the glass of water on the table and asked his mother when Tove left.

"She left ten minutes ago," Jane answered and asked Zara what she explored with her brother.

"I... Umm..." Zara got flustered by her mother's sudden question and couldn't answer her.

Rainard left the living room while Zara felt stuck under their mother's gaze, who scolded her for not answering quickly.

"What did you do outside with your brother? Did he take you to the society club where men and women usually meet?" Jane inquired. She wanted to know if her son would be seeing someone or not.