Considerable distance from me [Bonus chapter]

Édouard's unexpected question left Zoe taken aback, causing her to swallow nervously. "I demand an answer. If you believe your false pleas will allow you to leave this prison unscathed, you're sorely mistaken," Édouard's voice held a stern edge.

Zoe shifted uneasily. "I never deemed it necessary to discuss, Your Grace," she responded, lowering her gaze as she offered her explanation.

"I have a strong distaste for those who pretend as virtuous while concealing their true malice," Édouard commented, his tone carrying a touch of disdain. He didn't wish to resort to brutal methods to extract information from Zoe, but he was aware that Casimir had trained her to be resistant.

Zoe, her voice quivering slightly, responded, "I refrained from revealing this information before Her Grace in order to spare her from revisiting the memories of the late prince. Please forgive me for my silence, Your Grace." Her voice held a hint of guilt, attempting to assert her innocence.