Cannot oppose my order

Andrew neatly arranged the documents on a corner of the desk before turning his gaze towards Simone. "I've completed all of them. Kindly send these over to the administrative office," he informed, rising from his chair. Curious about any remaining tasks, he approached Simone and inquired if there were any more assignments to tackle.

With a polite smile, Simone responded, "That was the last of it, Your Highness."

"Excellent, that means I have the next three days free," Andrew proclaimed, a grin forming on his face as he contemplated the leisure ahead. He then headed off to spend time with Francesca.

Upon entering the chamber, he discovered that Francesca was in the company of his mother, having been summoned by her about an hour ago. "I wonder what matters Mother and Francesca might be discussing," he pondered softly to himself before settling on the mattress.