Close in embrace [Bonus chapter]

Édouard led Charlotte through the royal garden, and as they wandered deeper, their gazes set upon Damien seated beneath a tree. Charlotte's concern was evident as she inquired, "What could be the reason for him being here all alone?"

Édouard shrugged, indicating his lack of knowledge about Damien's situation. "I'm not sure," he replied.

Observing Damien's troubled demeanor, Charlotte proposed, "He seems to be going through a difficult time. Shouldn't we approach him? Perhaps it's related to his impending, unwanted marriage to Suzanne."

"I believe it might be best to give him some space," Édouard suggested, his response leaving Charlotte slightly puzzled.

"Is there something going on between the two of you that I'm unaware of?" Charlotte inquired, her knowledge of their relationship limited.

Édouard waved off her question, replying, "There's nothing of significance."