I couldn't witness their presence [Bonus chapter]

Damien lingered as Édouard carefully unfurled the document. Rather than diving into the text, Édouard inquired about its origin. "I need to know before I proceed with reading," he insisted.

"Silas safeguarded it. His wife entrusted me with this," Damien responded. "He specifically asked her to pass it on to me a day before he died," he elaborated.

Édouard's confusion grew. "But why?" he asked.

"Maybe Silas had a premonition of his impending demise," Damien mused. "It's possible he intended to offer me one last helping hand."

Sensing Édouard's hesitation, Damien picked up on his reluctance to delve into the message. "Is there a reason you're hesitating? Don't you have the curiosity to find its contents?" he inquired.

Édouard's gaze met his brother's, firm and resolute. "It's Mathieu, whom I don't have faith in," he stated. "Whatever is written on this parchment won't bridge that trust gap," he concluded, gently returning it to Damien.