I'm grateful for your empathy

Damien returned to the chamber following a heartfelt exchange of words with Édouard. Giselle had enlightened him about Suzanne's deep concern, as she had departed without notifying anyone.

"May I inquire of her whereabouts? Does she rest in the bedchamber?" Damien inquired.

"Indeed, Your Highness," Giselle responded with her gaze respectfully downcast.

With a thoughtful hum, Damien proceeded to check on Suzanne. Upon entering the bedchamber, he noted the absence of her presence on the bed. Yet, the open balcony caught his attention, leading him there.

"Suzanne!" Damien's voice resonated as he spotted her by the balustrade. Her head turned swiftly, locking eyes with him, an expression of curiosity in her gaze.

"I was in the royal garden," Damien explained, his hand lightly brushing over his brow. As her silence lingered, he grasped her unspoken sentiment—an evident vexation stemming from his prolonged absence.