He initiated a kiss

Damien's gaze rested upon Suzanne as she delicately took off her earrings. Sensing his intent stare, she paused and let her hands fall. A flicker of concern crossed her face as she inquired, "Is something wrong?"

A solemn expression on his face, Damien spoke with sincerity, "I am committed to treating you better from now on."

Suzanne's response held a touch of weariness, "You've made similar promises before."

With determination, Damien asserted, "I genuinely mean it this time. I was always alone, so I don't share about my worries. I choose to stay quiet rather than expressing myself," he added.

Suzanne concurred with his remark, nodding in agreement. "Yes, I've observed that. Yet, you once mentioned how my company brought you happiness," she remarked, a gentle smile playing on her lips. She encouraged him to openly share his emotions, saying, "Remember, I can't read your thoughts. Often, I won't know what's on your mind."

"My mind is blank at the moment," Damien asserted.