Drawn to Tove [Bonus chapter]

Rainard brought Zara home later in the afternoon. Later, Rainard freshened up and began searching for Tove. He had previously sent her home after his heated argument with Damien revolving around Tove.

Inquiring with the head servant, Rainard learned that Tove was currently in the kitchen storehouse, engaged in cleaning duties.

Upon entering the storehouse, Rainard discovered Tove working alone. He questioned her, a note of surprise in his voice, "Tove, what are you doing here?" This caused her to pause in her shelf-dusting task.

With a tinge of frustration, Rainard continued, "This task isn't meant for you, Tove. We have cleaners to take care of such matters. Your efforts are appreciated, but you needn't burden yourself with this."

Rainard stepped closer to her and gently took the duster from her hand. "You can leave this here. Come with me," he suggested, placing the duster back on the shelf.