A nightmare for me

Damien's eyes fluttered open, rousing from a profound slumber, only to find himself transported back to the very house that had cradled his childhood for a decade. The authenticity of the moment enveloped him as if he were truly inhabiting that cherished space once more.

A familiar fragrance, the one his mother used to gather each day from the petite garden she so lovingly tended, wafted through the air. It was as if the very essence of those blooms had been preserved over time. As Damien shifted his gaze, he was greeted by the sight of lilies gracing a vase.

With a swift leap from the bed, Damien wasted no time in hurrying outside, his heart pounding with anticipation.

The burning question on his mind: Was his parents still alive? A rush of eagerness surged within him, driven by the yearning to be reunited with both of his parents.