I care deeply for you

Suzanne's eyes held a certain allure, and Damien found himself captivated by their sparkling depth. The way she looked at him only added to the enchantment he already felt when she had appeared in the dress earlier. With their closeness now, he couldn't deny the stirring emotions that surged within him.

With a gentle movement, Damien's hand drew near her face, his fingers brushing her hair back, revealing her features.

His gaze then fixed on the earrings she wore, their glimmer catching his attention. "These were my mother's," he whispered, his voice carrying a touch of nostalgia.

"You once mentioned that Princess Charlotte and I should share them. If my mother-in-law were still with us, she would have undoubtedly felt the same way," Suzanne affirmed, a warm smile gracing her lips as she acknowledged the shared sentiment.