Take a good look at me

Damien inhaled deeply, his thoughts swirling as he pondered whether Suzanne would appreciate the gift he was about to present.

"Joss did mention she's fond of daisies and prefers lighter shades," he muttered to himself, his gaze shifting between the daisies and the carefully tailored dress he had commissioned from the royal seamstress for Suzanne.

"Damien!" Her voice called out, jolting him from his reverie. Swiftly, he concealed the bouquet and the dress behind his back, clutching them tightly as he turned to face Suzanne.

"Yes?" Damien responded, his tone curious, as she entered the chamber, a wide smile adorning her lips.

"Nothing," Suzanne replied, her gaze narrowing inquisitively as she noticed his concealed hands.

Curiosity getting the better of her, she inquired why he was keeping his hands behind his back.

"Oh, that... I... Well," Damien stumbled over his words, feeling the onset of a cold sweat on his forehead, his nervousness evident.