A wealth of positivity [Bonus chapter]

A week had passed since Jemeiah's departure, and his reassuring message detailing his safe arrival at the Western Province's fort had brought a sense of calm to the King's mind.

However, on this particular morning, a feeling of malaise had settled upon him. The onset of autumn had historically been the season when the King's health would falter.

Igor approached Christian with a comforting gesture, presenting a steaming bowl of herbal decoction to the King. "Your Majesty, please take care of your well-being," Igor advised, his concern evident on his face. "I would suggest His Majesty not to go out early in the morning or late evening for a walk since the fall is approaching," he said with a genuine concern on his face.

Christian sipped the herbal decoction, setting the bowl aside once he had finished. With a gentle touch, Igor collected the bowl and then tenderly covered the King with a warm blanket.