Doesn't it make me look gorgeous?

Damien, with a hint of amusement, implored Suzanne to cease her singing. "My eardrums are in peril," he quipped.

Suzanne responded with an earnest tone, "But you once praised my voice as melodious."

With candor, Damien clarified, "That was a jest. Your singing, truth be told, doesn't quite hit the mark."

In a playful yet determined manner, Suzanne declared, "But if you like me, then you have to listen to my singing even if it's bad."

Damien chuckled and shook his head, saying, "You certainly have an abundance of energy, but for now, sit quietly."

Suzanne voiced her complaint, "You are so lazy, Damien. Since you returned from meeting Prince Édouard, you've done nothing but lie on the bed. You could have taken me out with you, but all you do is sleep. That's why I resorted to singing to keep you awake," she said, her lips twitching.