To independently grow

Édouard tenderly enveloped Charlotte in an embrace, his hand gently cradling her face before he bestowed a gentle kiss upon her forehead. "I'll be back this evening. Promise me you won't skip meals and take good care of yourself and Moonie, alright?"

He hated leaving her alone, but meeting Casimir held significant importance.

Charlotte nodded with understanding. "I comprehend," she responded. "Wishing you a safe journey. I've packed a meal for both you and Ramiro. Please be sure to take it," she reassured him.

"We appreciate that, Suzanne," Édouard acknowledged.

Damien and Suzanne were both present in the chamber when Suzanne spoke reassuringly, "I'll be by Princess Charlotte's side all day. Prince Édouard, you needn't worry about your wife. I won't let her out of my sight."

Charlotte nodded in agreement, saying, "You should go."