I want to share my life with

Rainard set the bandage carefully on the table, his gaze shifting to Tove's injured hand. "Does it bring you any relief? Can you move it?" he inquired with concern.

Tove shook her head slightly, her eyes reflecting discomfort. "The pain persists, but I'm hopeful it will go away in time," she replied, her smile carrying a reassuring touch.

Rainard, noticing her serene demeanor, couldn't help but broach a sensitive subject. "Aren't you harboring resentment toward my mother? She pushed you away forcefully," he asked, seeking insight into her feelings.

Tove locked eyes with him, her expression thoughtful. "I find myself at a loss for words," she confessed, her response steeped in genuine uncertainty.

"Please, Tove," Rainard insisted earnestly. "I need to understand your true emotions. You would have felt something."

Tove hesitated briefly, then chose to reveal a deeper layer of her feelings. "I did feel a pang of anger, but it was overshadowed by a profound sense of unworthiness."