My heart fluttered

Édouard left his father's chamber after ensuring he had his evening tea and proceeded to meet his mother. After a brief conversation with Queen Anneliese, he made his way to see Suzanne, knowing that the poison she had suffered from was also a result of Casimir's actions.

Suzanne arrived at the drawing chamber upon learning of Prince Édouard's visit, and she respectfully bowed upon seeing him. When Édouard inquired about her well-being, Suzanne replied, her gaze lowered in humility, "I am better than before, Your Grace." 

"Is Damien overseeing your entire treatment?" Édouard inquired, concerned for Suzanne's well-being.

Suzanne nodded, her voice filled with gratitude, although she felt a bit self-conscious about her appearance. "Yes, Your Grace. My face doesn't look its best due to the allergy," Suzanne said as felt embarrassed to show her face. "I would like to thank His Grace for helping me," she asserted.