When you were vulnerable [Bonus chapter]

Édouard gazed at Charlotte's serene, sleeping face, finding her deeply immersed in a peaceful slumber. The previous day had been challenging for everyone, and he knew it had taken its toll on her. He tenderly stroked her hair with his fingers, contemplating getting up to start the day.

However, as he began to turn away from the bed, Charlotte reached out and gently held his hand, preventing him from leaving. She snuggled closer to him and softly whispered, "Let's stay in bed for a little while longer."

Édouard couldn't help but smile. His hand moved to cradle her head, resting on her shoulder. "I hope I didn't wake you up," he asked, concern in his voice.

Charlotte reassured him, saying, "I had a restful sleep, so don't worry." She tilted her head up to meet his gaze and inquired, "How about you? You had trouble sleeping last night."

Édouard replied, "I didn't wake up in the middle of the night, so the sleep was quite good."