I feel empty, Mother

Rainard looked at the scroll and read the message while smiling. Lady Jane, who was preparing the list for the marriage, asked Rainard the reason behind his smile. 

"Mother, Tove has sent me a beautiful message," he asserted.

"You call it a love letter," Jane stated. "Look at the list. Do you want to include something more in this list?" she queried and handed the list to her son. "Since the royal family will be a part of your wedding, everything should be of high quality," she opined. 

Rainard checked the list and told his mother he found everything right. "I wonder if Prince Damien would come to my marriage or not. Aldenham is far from the capital," he murmured. 

"Prince Damien is close to your father as well. He will definitely come. Your father already sent a special invitation to Prince Damien," Jane replied. 

"Father considers him as his own son, right?" Rainard inquired.