26. Adal got a surprise

Adal woke up with fresh mind. He had his breakfast after getting fresh. It was his plan to go out for skiing with Mr Janpi.

"Mr Janpi, there lies a magic in your wife's finger, her breakfast specially this cheese omelette is delicious with these baked breads. She is a fine lady with perfect chef talent, with a graceful smile Adal praised the Mrs. Janpi's made food."

"Yes, Sir for sure you are right. This was the reason I married her. Mr Janpi replied Adal with a smile."

While having breakfast Adal asked Janpi about the weather reports and either the weather is suitable for skiing today.

Mr Janpi told him that weather will be fine today with no snowfall and that we could go for skiing today.

Adal told Mr Janpi to make preparations for the day event.

Adal finished up his breakfast and went upto his room to get ready. He walked down the stairs after half an hour with jackets, cap and gloves.

"Okay, Mr Janpi, Are you ready to join?"

"Yes Sir, sure, energetically Mr Janpi replied to Adal."

"Let's begin the fun then Adal also was energised in his words."

Adal went to skiing area with mask and muffler around his neck and obviously with a cap to cover himself properly so that no one around could recognise him. Adal was accompanied with two of his guards and Mr Janpi.

They reached the area and borrowed the tools of skiing. One of guard of Adal was accompanying him while skiing and the other one was keeping an eye around.

The long day of Adal passed in skiing and enjoying the fun with snow and his workers. People around him who were also tourists like Adal took advantage of this fine weather and got out of their hotels, resorts and cottages to enjoy the snow and skiing. No one around Adal could recognised him. As Adal ordered his guards also to wear casual winter clothes and not to be with him in uniform.

Adal had fun. Adal had dinner at nearby resort with his guards and Mr Janpi. Mr Janpi amused Adal and guards with his funny chit chats and old stories of his life. This also included his love story with Mrs Janpi. He told that he was with heads over heels in love with her and that they ran away because her parents were not agreeing for marriage. They used to live in another city, then they ran and came to live in Kashan city. Till then and now they are living here happily ever after. Adal was amused by the true love story but he tells now these love are no where to be found.

"No sir, You do find them but first we on our part should be loyal first then we could expect the loyalty from our partner."

"Sir, in this world you reap what you sow. If you are loyal to your partner then she will be loyal to you in return. This is called Karma Sir. Mr. Janpi further added."

Ada do believe in love but considered himself as bad luck holder in matter of love. Deep inside he do hope to meet his dream love girl. A girl who will really love him for just being Adal. It took them long day at skiing and dinner.

Quite late in the mid night they arrived back at cottage. All were just in jolly moods. Adal was open with his servants when he feels relax in mind.

There at cottage Ana arrived with Tanab and she was waiting for Adal to come back.

Mrs Janpi made dinner for Mr. Adal but he was late.

So this dinner was offered to unexpected guests of the day.

Ana got fresh and had dinner. After that she had been sitting near the fire place and waites for Adal.

Adal entered the cottage and met Tanab.

"Oh Tanab, You have arrived. Good to see you. Why your face seem worried?"

While Tanab was arguing with Tanab, behind Tanab in the mirror he saw Ana appearing in the mirror reflection. He turned his face and was shocked.

"Ana? You? said Adal in a worried tone."

Yes... surprise Adal, she said so and ran towards Adal to give him a hug.

This was shocking for Adal.

Somehow Adal managed his reaction and took Tanab beaide while saying Ana to wait till he can have an important talk with Tanab.

"Mr Tanab, while putting his hand on Tanab's shoulder, what was that? Why you dint inform me about this so called surprise? Adal asked."

"Sir, last night after your call Ma'm Saan got upset and she came to know your plans. I called you after that but no one picked up my call. Mrs Saan asked me to come to her place to fetch an important letter for you. As per her order I reached there before my flight and met Miss Ana there who was ready with luggage there and waiting for me. I was surprised at that moment more then you plus I was hopeless. Because If I refused Mrs. Saan she would have killed me.

Later I have been calling you but you were not available and then we reached here an hour ago waited for you, replied Tanab in haste."

Adal said, "Now I am going to kill you Tanab."

Sir, Don't panic. Together we can find a way out."

"How? asked worried Adal."

Sir, right now behave well with her because after meeting the plan of Mrs. Saan I told her that you asked her to bring along but couldn't find an air ticket." Said Tanab.

"Very well Mr Tanab, as your orders."

Adal went to Ana and asked her that if she had dinner?

She replied that yes, Mrs Janpi made a fine meal for you and I had that.

I am glad to see you today here. Sorry couldn't call you because of no signal here. It was distortion here because of heavy snow fall. Adal gave her excuses. that were useless though but Ana nodded her head in no issue.

Adal asked Mrs. Janpi to take Ana to the guestroom downstairs so that she can have rest today.

Adal asked Ana to go and have sleep in the morning we will have good gossip.

"Adal I am fresh after seeing you, I donot nees anytime. If you are easy let's have a cup of coffee together." She asked Adal hopefully.

"Aaahm, I am sorry Ana for today. I am really tired of work all day. I want to sleep replied Adal to Ana."

But Mrs Janpi told me you were outvfor skiing she replied Adal.

"Oh no, she might be joking, I was busy at job dear. Adal assured her, Mrs Janpi had a habit of jokes."

"Ah very well, Ana looked at Mrs Janpi and went away."

These three days were only the relaxation I had I guess .... thought Adal.

Now I have to derive a plan to make Ana go back, Adal thought while changing his clothes.

He went to bed and started thinking something. Never know when sleep tpuched his eyes.

Well he also wanted to sleep with keeping Ana in his mind.