27. Days at Mrs. Shaiqa place

Keeha's behaviour becomes annoying when her examinations and project days are on her head and mind. Even she annoys her siblings and mom. A night before her project she came to Aanaye's room and said,

"Aanaye Apla, please help me in organising my final project. Please give it a thorough check."

"Keeha I think for three times, you bought your project to me for thorough check and I did it thrice.said Aanaye."

"So what? As my elder sister, this is your duty or I will complain to mom,Said Keeha with a warning."

"Huuuhh.... Go a head. Mom knows you are an annoying girl, said Aanaye carelessness."

"Okay please do it just once ..... please please please .... one last time ... I am getting tensed, pleaded Keeha as an innocent baby girl."

"Okay ... Bring your laptop over here, said Aanaye."

Keeha who was holding her laptop in hand just went near to Aanaye who was sitting and working on her table.

After an half an hour check through Aanaye told Keeha that your project is excellent, theee is no mistake to be corrected.

"Are you damn sure? asked Keeha."

"Of course Keeha, Aanaye replied with a lifted eyebrow."

"Fine ,Thankyou" Keeha with a tensed mood move out of the room.

The next morning everyone woke up for their routine job. Keeha came to wake up the girls. She asked the Feeha that she will drop her because she can't travel by university bus with tension.

Keeha was really tensed, she was walking with book in her hand. She was roaming around and was memorizing her presentation points.

"Feeha told Aanaye, this girl is obsessed for grades, gets late for university classes but is always on time for examination."

"Well she is good student after all and a girl too."

The family was ready for their daily tasks but today half an hour earlier.

Keeha was shouting at everyone to get ready and don't be lazy.

"You will be on time Keeha, you won't be late. Still three hours are left for your projects to start over, Said Mrs. Shaiqa. Let everyone have their breakfast."

With his sandwich in his hand, Ibraheem packed his bag and went to the car in the garage. As Ibrahim's school van will arrive after half an hour so it was decided that Feeha will drop him while dropping Keeha at university.

Whereas, Aanaye went to her room to pick up her bag.

Feeha was out in garage to take car out and mom was preparing to lock the room.

The family was ready to go in the car. Ibrahim's school was nearby so he waz dropped before Keeha.

Later, Feeha dropped Keeha and gurls with mom went to the nursery.

"This girl is a headache during her exams, said Mom after reaching the nursery."

Girls went to their respective classes to organise their stuff.

The day passed and it was 2 o' clock in the evening.

The girls with their mom reached their home. Soon Ibrahim arrrived back and the family excluding Keeha had their lunch and went to their rooms for nap.

Keeha was to return quite late at 7 o' clock.

Every one was having coffee in the lounge while Keeha arrived.

As Keeha arrived back, she left her bag in the middle of the dinning table and started telling stories of her long day. Aanaye gets annoyed when Keeha never put things in a proper manner.

After her stories got over, she reminded everyone of the trip to Kasham city.

"Atlast, everyone my exams are over and we all are ready for the trip with our brother in law, said the girl in excitement."

"No, dear still the nursey is on. The winter vacations will begin on Friday. Still three days to go, reminded mom to her."

"Yes, mommy I do remember.

But mommy, I have to go for the shopping. I want to buy scarves and new stockings said Keeha."

"Okay, we will be going on Friday, I will be relaxed that day, mom replied."

"Fine mommy, in a slow tone Keeha responded."

The other two girls got up to prepare meal for the night.

The family had dinner.

Feeha's cell phone rang while the family was having a cup of tea near the fire place.

Feeha picked up the call.

"Hello Feeha, How are you? said Zabi on the other side."

"I am fine, replied Feeha."

Zabi asked about the family that how are they all. Then he asked about the project of Keeha.

Feeha told her that it finally ended today. And she is excited for the trip to Kashan city.

"That is cool then, we will be going on Sunday , said Zabi."

"Yes, hopefully,I will assure you in a minute. Feeha holded the call and asked her mommy."

Mommy, Zabi wants us to join him on Sunday for trip.

Shall I say him yes? Asked Feeha.

Okay, fine Sunday will be fine, Mom replied.

Feeha asked him that Mom agreed for Sunday.

Everyone was excited included Aanaye and Ibraheem.

As this was first time after long time that they have been visiting any hill station. Because no one among them was a perfect driver to drive up the dangerous mountains after the death of their father.

It was quite happy moment for Feeha as she is going to visit a nature's real beauty with her fiance.

"Aanaye Apla said Keeha, Feeha Apla is most happy among us as she is going to tour with her prince."

"Aanaye said, Don't worry my girl, soon after ypur university ends you can find one fir yourself. May be you find one on your trip. If you couldn't, ask mom to find your match mate."

"Aww no not yet, but what if you find your charming man in this trip? Said Keeha while lifting her brows ...

What if your this trip after years happened to make you meet your soul mate? What if it really goes as I said? And he will take you away. What if dear sister? said Keeha while making a creative environment in Aanaye's mind."

Yeah, no time for love baby, now go out of our room and let us sleep, said Aanaye ato her little creative sister.

"Why no time? On one side you believe in love and on other side you reject the love?

I am sure destination has something really different for you because you are the different sister I have."

and a little out of mind too ....

Keeha laughed aloud with love and care."

"huh huh huh, go and sleep ... you are free tomorrow but not us, said Aanaye."

Keeha went out and lights got off.

Aanaye with her head on pillow thought of what her little silly sister said, she laughed.