28. Days before leaving for the trip

Soon, A promised Friday came, said the over whelm girl Keeha.

Mom with her two daughters was at nursery. Back at home two Keeha was waiting for her mom to come back home. Keeha who was always a lazy duck for waking up early morning but to an amaze she woke up at 8 a.m in the morning. She had her breakfast in the balcony of her sister Aanaye's room and was planning in mind the list to write. Side by side she was enjoying the perfect sunshine.She thought in mind the things to be added that could be of need. The door bell rang, Keeha peeped through the balcony to see who has come.

"It was the maid whom Mrs. Shaiqa hired a week ago.

Ma'm please open the door, I am here for sweeping, the lady said."

Oh finally, Mom found one, she thought and let her in.

Keeha guided her maid with things to do that her mother asked her in the morning. So she was supposed to follow her mommy's order.

The maid said that she is aware of all her duties and not to worry. The maid couldn't finish her tasks as Keeha made her to clean her bedroom and ward robe.

She was busy in making up piles of Keeha's clothes.

As it was Friday, Mom arrived at hour earlier then other week days.

"Oh mommy, I am glad that you are back to home, Keeha said while kissing her mom."

"Ahan ...really ... Mom said and went to the kitchen."

"Why there is still a mess of your breakfast utensils in the kitchen?

Why the livingroom is still a mess? asked mommy in a furry mood."

"Ahhmmm ... Mom ... Keeha was trying to find an answer."

"I asked the maid to arrive earlier today so didn't she come? She asked the girl and looked at her for an answer."

"Keeha replied her angry mom in a soothing tone while looking at her sisters, Mom she is here in my bedroom and cleaning mu closet. It was a mess mom, and I couldn't fix it myself. So asked her for a help. Please mom don't be angry. I will clean up and sweep the house with her quickly."

"Ahan ... you better should or you will not be going anywhere today. Mom reminded her of shopping in hidden warning."

"Keeha came to know what her mom warned her for."

Keeha called the maid out of the bedroom and started sweeping the housd with her.

Feeha and Aanaye were smiling under lips and looked at their elder sister's ruined excitement.

Stop laughing Feeha Apla, that is not fair. Did you forget once you made same mistake and I saved ypu from mommy's wrath, said an annoying Keeha to her sister who was having her meal with Aanaye.

Ibraheem reached home quite late as it was his basketball practice.

"Keeha got a scold from mom today, Feeha told Ibraheem. "

"Aww sad ... said Ibrahim and together with Feeha laughed at her. "

"Good for your excited health dear sister, he further added."

"Ibraheem respect your elder sister, said Keeha with angry eyes."

Aanaye arrives in the room and asked her siblings to finish up there chaos and get ready for the shopping in the mall.

Nearly, at 5 o' clock the girls an their brother were ready with their handbags and were waiting for their mom out in the car.

"Well, I am amazed to see you girls ready quite early ...

beyond my expectations ... ready before ... Always be ready on time for other places too, said happy mom to her daughters."

Oh Mr Ibraheem is also ready for shopping today ... Wow .... why son? You are annoyed by girls shopping.

What made you sit in the car?

"Ibraheem tried to hid his excitement and replied in a careless manner actually I need to see my basketball shoes that is why I am excited ... I mean ready to go."

The girls laughed at their teenage brother's answer.

"Okay Feeha, drive the car now and be careful while driving, Mom asked her daughter.

Feeha started the car and they went to the City Mall that was nearby. They reached in the mall. It was a start of weekend so it seemed everyone was out for shopping today. The family parked the car and headed towards the mall inside.

"It seemed everyone is planning to Kashan city, Keeha whispered to Feeha and Aanaye."

Aanaye was such a keen and careful in shopping that she forgets everyone around her.

Aanaye Apla buy the same things whatever you are going to buy for yourself, said Keeha to her sister.

"Well, Don't panic I know this since your height reached ours, replied Aanaye to her younger sister."

"You always get two things, one for yourself and other for Feeha, and count me as baby sister. You always forget I am grown up now, annoying girl replied."

"Well why don't you choose three similar things like yours for us? baby sister, Feeha annoyed her while walking towards the mall."

"Because you both donot like my choice but i like whatever you both buy, replied Keeha while walking towards the Western clothes shop."

"Aanaye Aapla, I beleieve your choice, forget Feeha Apla."

"Okay baby sister replied Aanaye."

"Stop calling me that Aapla."

"Be quiet girls, stop quarrel in the middle of the mall. Look forward for the things you need or I will quit shopping and take you back to home, Mom asked the girls.And Aanaye don't take toolong and don't forget that we are here."

The girls smiled and walked through the shop to see something of their interest.

Finally after half an hour they bought shirts and jackets. Ibraheem bought his shoes.

They moved to the Maxi store and three of them bought maxi dresses for themselves that were similar in color and design.

Aanaye and Feeha's dressing was same since their childhood. later. after few years Keeha came up with the similar height with her elder sisters. So three similar dresses were brought by Mrs. Shaiqa for them.

The siblings were now hungry and it was 8 o' clock at night. "It is dinner time Mom, said tired Ibraheem. Let's go to the food court area to have sometging for dinner."

"Wait, let me check those fine stockings there, replied mom."

After few minutes the family was at the food court and were deciding to have some fast food for dinner today. So, they ordered for the burgers at one of fast food chain. The food was there on the table collected by Aanaye and Feeha.

The family ate and discussed if anything is missed to be bought. Nothing was left and all needes items were being bought.

After the meal, they went to the car to drive back to home. They were home by 10 p.m.

The girls took out their shoppings and wore them one by one to check the perfect size or any alternations.

Aanaye and Keeha were the girls who were always most excited ones after seeing their shoppings.

Mrs Shaiqa gets happier when her daughters are happy and smiling after wearing something new.

Mom asked her daughters to keep their bought stuffs in the cupboard and warnes them to pack their luggage early.

No late bag packings I want, said their mom, bags should be ready as you were all ready for shopping today. "

"Sure Mom, said siblings and went to their rooms."