29. Adal and Ana at Kashan city

Mrs Janpi was in the kitchen with her daughter Tia. They were making breakfast for Mr Adal and Ana.

"Mom, Who was that lady last night waiting in the lounge for Mr Adal? asked the twenty-one years old Tia."

"Mom replied, I guess she is Mr Adal fiance."

"Tia left her work, looked at her mom and said, Mommy I don't like that girl to be his wife ... A strange lady with a strange getup. Mr Adal is an innocent and handsome man. He needs a girl like him, simple but complicated. Only that can suit this hero."

"Dear, if you are done with your suggestions then let's get the table ready for breakfast, Mom asked his worried daughter for Mr Adal."

Tia looked at her mom and started her job again.

The table was set for the breakfast.

Ana was downstairs and was up quite early because her mind was up for something.

She was on the table and asked Mrs Janpi about Adal.

"I don't know Ma'm if he is up. Usually he wants his breakfast ready on the table at this time. He arrived late at night so he might be tired and sleeping, she replied."

"Okay, let me go and check him, said Ana and got up to Adal's room."

She knocked at the door but had no replies, so she opened the door and entered the room.

"Adal wasn't up yet. Ana got near to Adal and moved her fingers in his hair and got her face closer to Adal's and said Honey wake up, it was pleasant morning."

With a sudden jerk, Adal woke up and got far from nearby sitting Ana.

"Oh Ana, why you came inside my room? Is everything fine? Adal asked."

"Yes honey, everything's fine. I just came to wake my love up. The breakfast is ready and I was waiting for you on the table. Let's have it together."

Hmmm okay, you should go downstairs, I am coming after fifteen minutes. If you can't wait then you can have your breakfast."

"For you I can wait for years Honey, replied Ana to Adal."

Adal was shocked for seconds at Ana's words. He came back to his senses and wentto freshen up.

He was there on the table for breakfast with Ana.

Mrs Janpi and Tia were serving them. Tia was looking at Ana's way of eating and behaviour. She was kind of getting annoyed. Mom gazed with wide open eyea at her daughter to be polite and humble with the guests.

Tia judged her mommy's look and tried to be polite.

"Adal, the weather is fine. Why don't you skii with me today? Ana asked him."

"I would love too but today I have to go and accomplish my work as you can see the weather is pleasant to do job, replied Adal. You are here now I guess you won't go without me till next month of January. We can go some other day soon, said Adal to Ana to judge her plans and in hidden words told her, his plans."

"Aaahm .... yes, obviously, reluctantly the girl replied as she knew she can't stop till January not even till the end of this month."

Adal called his manager and asked Mrs Janpi to take care of Ana. He went to his room with Tanab and said,

"Tanab I am going out with Mr Janpi for hiking. Take care of Ana and tell her that I am busy at project."

"Okay Sir, I will, replied Tanab."

"You should now and don't let her know anything, asked Adal to Tanab."

Adal called Mr Janpi and Guards and went out. Ana just looked at him while going and couldn't utter a word.

Tanab knew now what to do. Tanab was a handsome gentleman of twenty nine. He started his job with Adal when he was in his university. Tanab was a poor student and son of cameramen's assistant who worked with Tanab's dad. Tanab's dad gave the boy scholarship and after seeing his loyalty, talent and hardwork as part time worker with his dad, Adal offered him the job of his manager's assistant. He agreed. Adal hired him as part time worker with his manager as he was student and had to study as well.

Five years ago, after gaining his university degree Adal hired him as his permanent assistant.

He is loyal to Adal and his parents. Adal's family cares for him.

Adal went out with Mr Janpi for hiking. He was also ignoring the questions of Ana. This was also the main reason of leaving the cottage.

He arrived quite late frim hiking. Ana was waiting for him.

She asked him about dinner but Adal refused and told he had on the set.

Ana got a little upset but she wanted to win the boy's heart and remained quiet.

Ana went to Adal's room to talk him about his day with a cup of coffee.

"I thought you might be tired of work and wishing for the cup of coffee so i brought for us, she showed care in words."

"No need for that, said Adal but okay now if you have brought, replied Adal."

:Can I sit for a while with you till my coffee sips get over? Said Ana."

Adal was unable to reject and agreed upon with Yes answer.

"How was your day? she asked."

"As you can see tired but good, Adal replied shortly."

I can see. Why don't ypu talk me along you tomorrow. I got bored today." She asked with hope of yes.

"No, Adal said with sudden loud noise. I mean any other day."

"Okay fine Ana replied and concentrated on her coffee."

"I am sleepy now. I think you should go to bed too. It is cold out, said Adal."

Ana took a leave and went hopelessly to her room downstairs.

Ana got in her room and started working on some thing more powerful to attract Adal to herself. She guessed his behaviour very well.