30. Finally Sunday arrives

The next morning on Saturday, Aanaye woke up first. She was feeling contented and happy. She asked her sister Feeha sleeping next to her bed to wake up. She didn't evwn show any motion. Aanaye as usual went out side in the balcony with bird food in her hand and poured it in the bird's plate.

She was feeling something different today. As if she wont see this view for long time. She was seeing the birds sitting on plate for food. And fee of them dancing on trees near her balcony.

The morning was peaceful and happy. The news hawker was delivering the news paper at the houses. Some old people were joking alone or with their dogs in the park infront of her house.

It was plain and no school vans were seen in the streets. This was her every Sunday routine. It was fresh morning she thought.

Aanaye went to her mommy's room which was just infront of her and Feeha's bedroom. Both the girls shared the same room because Aanaye was afraid of sleeping alone in the dark room at night. Sometimes she used to shift into her mommy's room when she use to feel sick.

Mommy was up too but was still in bed. She went to her mom and kissed her forehead with love.

"Mom what are thinking? asked Aanaye."

"Mom also pampered her elder daughter like a baby and told her inner desire of her marriage with a good man."

"I really wish that God may send you also find a perfect soulmate for you just like Feeha, mom said. I hope that one day you might find one."

"Aanaye smiled and said, Don't worry mom God had listened to your prayers, He will send soon.

Mommy, today I am going to make breakfast alone. You just freshen up and wake up all the army."

While thinking of something in heart, Aanaye went out to the kitchen.

She was planning to make some french toast with boiled eggs.

This was the favourite breakfast of all of her siblings.

After getting the breakfast ready, Aanaye went to see her siblings, whether they are up or not. And to her amaze, they were all up at ready to be served on the table.

Feeha helped her sister in making up the breakfast table. They had their morning meal and were feeling a little lazy. In the meanwhile, the door bell rang and it was there maid out. Ibraheem went to open the door.

"Okay girls go and pack your bags. Make sure to keep warm clothes more, mom asked the girls."

"Ibraheem you also take out all your needed warm clothes, I will help you pack your bag after mine is done."

"Yes, mom, the boy replied."

Everybody went to their rooms for packing while Mrs Shaiqa was guiding her maid for some work at the corridor.

"Aanaye Apla and Feeha apla, how many dresses are you both going to pack? said Keeha."

"Feeha replied with no idea ...."

"Similar was the reply of Aanaye, I am looking what to pack yet."

Keeha and Keeha were always confused girls in matter of dress choosing or anything but Aanaye was confident.

She wears what she likes, no matter what others think .... in matter of dressing, this girl was conscious and loved creating her own styles.

She was the girl who listens to her own thoughts in matter of life. This relaxes her. She never allowed anyone to talk about her, neither she talks about anyone. She was trendy in simplicity, vintage and culture lover but in her own way.

This confidence she got inherited from her mom. Her mom always supported her in whatever decision she makes. Her inspiration was always her mom.

Aanaye was like a little mature child, who understand things in her own way.

Keeha came out of room after three hours that she is done with the packing.

Mom asked if she was sure ..." and she agreed by saying Damn Sure Mom."

The maid made the spaghetti ready for them as everyone wanted it today.

Everyone was done with the packing and were ready to enjoy their meal.

Zabi called Feeha in the evening to confirm about her family's packing. She informed her that they are ready and packing is being done.

At night before dinner, Mrs Anita called Mrs. Shaiqa to know about their preparations and inform her to be ready at 7' o clock. Mrs Anita asked her that they don't need their car to be taken. Her husband's car and driver will be here to drive them to the Kashan city.

Mom asked everyone to sleep early to wake up at 6 o' clock in the morning.

"You all will have an hour to get ready, mind it Zabi and his mom will be here at 7 o' clock in the morning, Mrs Shaiqa told her children the time. Girls you all should behave innocent there and Keeha you should be polite there. Don't argue with your siblings and remember that your sister's in-laws will be there."

The careful mom warned her children as if they are little babies but mothers are careful mothers always.

The family after dinner went to their beds.

The next morning was a Sunday morning, Keeha was up before everyone or you can say she didn't even slept last night.

At 5 a.m she went to her sister's room to wake them up and then to her mom. She knocked at her brothers room like a drum beat.

Mom scolded her to get ready yourself and leave him.

Ibraheem was in the washroom.

"Anyways Keeha got her three bags down the stairs.

Keeha what is this? Are you mad now? What have you put in them? asked mom. This is your one week trip not of one year."

"Mom don't aak me to empty them, everything's important and of real use, Keeha replied."

"You are too much Keeha ,said mom. She went to kitchen to get something ready."

Other two were down too with their two huge bags and a hand carry.

"Mom came out and saw again ,said You girls are enough."

They made an innocent face and had their morning coffee.

Ibraheem had only one bag and so was of mommy.

The horn rang outside. Everyone got in hurry. Ibraheem went out to open the door and move the bags out.

Zabi came with two cars and the otherd was driven by the driver. The door was locked by Aanaye and mom. They rushed into the car.

Mrs. Shaiqa, Ibraheem and aunt Anita drove with a driver while girls sat in Zabi's car.

So their journey started at 7 a.m in the morning to the Kashan city.