37. Adal and Anastasia in conversation

As the weather was pleasant and quite less snowfall was expected as broadcasted by the weather reporters on T.V in Kashan City so Adal along Tanab and his guards got out at a nearby tiny resort. Mr Janpi was at home because of Mrs Janpi's bad health otherwise he was the guide allotted by the famous tourist company to Adal whose job was to be with Adal twenty four hours. Adal advised Mr Janpi to stay at home with Mrs Janpi, incase she needs anything.

Adal was such a sympathetic star.

His this kind of care always impressed people around him. He was considered arrogant by the people of media and glamour but no body knew him much. They judged him because of his breakups but never saw that he promoted new talents in media. He brought the change in reality shows. He worked and donated his earnings for his charity works. He paid the hospital bills of thousands of people. He was now creating a shelter for homeless people. His humanty works were infinite. He treats the poor and hard working class kindly and with care. In short his services for humanity were not countable. He was the man who never demanded of any reward or award for his services from anyone in the society. Adal's this reality was known to only few people around him. Never Adal showed this on media for fame. People call him arrogant or play boy natured, he even that never mind of. He concentrated only on his career.

Adal wanted to spend time alone in a nearby coffee shop and he wanted to think in open environment.

He sat in a resort and ordered his coffee. He asked his bodyguards to wait outside in the car. So his bodyguards waited for him out. Tanab went along Adal to the table that Adal chose for better landscape view.

Adal while looking through the window glass said,

"Nature has its own plan for even the rock on these mountains. That stone in winters get covered with snow and loose its identity. It hids and is never seen. During summers the sun shines, the snow melts. It is that rock's destination either it will stay there or flow with melted snow to the river. If it stays it will enjoy the summer bright snow and if it floated it will find new destination. Both places either former where it stayed or lateral where it moved can be effective equally or defective equally. We are on mercy of God only."

Tanab listened him carefully and after a few seconds gave him a thoughtful reply, " Sir I do have an idea of your tension. Trust in your destination, a good person always meet a good partner. Your kindness is known to me and God. You are person who is always rewarded by God. If your heart is not satisfied with anyone without any delay you should reject. But if you really feel a little for some one then give it a chance to know well."

Adal looked and listened him quietly. His face was clearly telling his thoughts.

Tanab again said, " You should talk to Miss Ana as soon as possible. She is a practical lady and wants a clear answer from you. She is worried because of your weird behaviour that changed in the name of wedding. She want to bound herself with you."

You are right Tanab. How much I can avoid and run from reality. I should talk her today on a coffee table and clear her my priorities. "

Adal and Tanab together talked about reality of life.

After their coffee both headed towards the cottage.

Adal had some determination in his mind.

Adal reacahed back home after three hours. He asked Tanab for two cups of coffee in the living room with Ana.

Adal asked Tia to call her for the coffee. Ana waited for this evening about three hours. After hearing a call from Adal, she didn't waste a minute and moved to him.

" Hey Adal, said Ana, Hope you are done with your today's task. "

Adal just replied with a yes.

The coffee was there after five minutes of chat.

"Ana I think you want to talk about the marriage plans with me.I know you wanted me to talk but I ignored. So Ana listen don't think me wrong and I am not prepared for marriage yet. I want to be alone for a few years more." Clearly Adal delivered her his messgae."

"Okay fine replied Ana. "

"You can proceed with your career we will be best friends forever." Said Adal, Don't waste your time."

Ana 's heart sank for few minutes. She never expected such a cold and straight answer from Adal.

" Ana just asked, What about the happy moments tgat we spent together?"

"We were just friends Ana, you knew it very well, said Adal."

Ana barely could sip her coffee.

She took a deep breath and went out of living room.

Ana had no answer then only showing agreement.

The day passed. Ana remained in her bedroom and ordered her dinner in her room. She made her mind to give Adal space. Her decision of joining her at Kashan city was useless. It was better to let him stay alone and think.At night Ana went upstairs to Adal to take a farewell from him. She wanted to settle somewhere else. She thought to herself.

Adal, by tomorrow I am leaving hopefully as soon as my seat gets affirm. Staying here is of no use. This staying makes my hopes higher that now I don't want,said Ana.

"Adal replied with okay and as you find good for yourself. I won't stop."

Ana expected the same rude answer from Adal.

Ana came out of his room and went downstairs. Ana had a terrible fall from last few stairs of the cottage.

She shouted and Tanab and Adal after heraring gsthered around her.

I couldn't move Adal. My knee had fracture i guess, with upset tone the girl replied.

"Sir take her to the bedroom." Tanab replied in an emergency.

Mr Janpi was called urgently with a bandage and some oitment.

Adal picked her in lap and moved hee to her own room.

The doctor was called at the cottage. He said that only a minor pressure on hand. It could be fine with bed rest.

Unexpectedly her tomorrow's plan back to home got cancelled.

Adal took care of her that night. He pampered her like a baby. He was trying his best to soothe her.

Atleast I can receive his more love with this, Ana thought in mind.