38. Raem's eyes in love for Aanaye

The second night at the Kashan city was quiet and cold.

"It's been two days and second night since Feeha is here. I didn't get a chance to sit here under the glass roof and enjoy the snowfall at night with Feeha." Zabi shared her wish with his only bestie Raem.

"Well call her and invite her here. You should take a start to create your memorable moments by yourself. Not an angel will come from heaven to help you in creating moments. God has chosen a one for you. Make your world out of it. " Raem suggested his friend.

Zabi called Feeha in the midnight and requested her to meet him in the corridor for a while. He wanted to present a surprise gift to Feeha.

"I cannot come alone right now Zabi. Mom will question me and Keeha behaves like a child and will publish everywhere about our meeting." Feeha tried to make an excuse.

The boy pleaded her so she agreed.

"Okay, I am coming for few minutes with Aanaye along. I will make an excuse of walk with Aanaye to mom."

"Raem, she is coming but with her Aanaye. So please accompany her for few minutes. "Zabi requested his pal.

"Sure, anytime my dear cousin. She gets annoyed of me but I love her seeing annoyed? Said Raem."

"Hey be careful with my sister in law. She is a teacher." Zabi warned him.

"Ha ha ha ... don't panic cousin." I won't hurt her. Raem replied.

"Aanaye, Aanaye wake up. I need your help, said Feeha to her sister."

Aanaye got scared that if as any mishap happened. She woke up and sat straight. Did any iceburg fell on the hotel? Do we have to run? Ooor don't tell me avalanche has come? Wake Keeha up ... where is mom? She replied in fear and witu sleepy eyes.

Aanaye stop it. Nothing has happened. Zabi called me and he want to surprise me I guess ... so he want too meet me for few minutes. Walk with me in the corridor to meet him. I refused but he is insisting.

"Okay, go ahead meet him. Why you woke me up and scared me?"

The girls wore their gowns and walked through the corridors at night. Zabi called her to the 6th final floor of the hotel, where had created a sitting lounge for himself. That was totally made of glass and presented a scenic view to its visitors. The snowfall in the lights was easily been seen. The cold weather in closed atmosphere was felt.

Aanaye and Feeha reached the 6th floor of the building where they were welcomed by Zabi and then by Raem.

Zabi added that Raem was there to accompany Aanyae.

Aanaye whose eyes were asleep got fully opened. She said,

"But there was no need of company as I know how to enjoy alone."

Feeha gazed her sister with deep eyes in order to say be quiet and adjust. Aanaye got quiet and smiled back to both the boys.

Raem felt her annoyance and smiled her back widely.

Zabi asked Raem to help Aanaye in viewing the sky with telescope.

Aanaye walked behind Raem to the glass lounge. Zabi moved to show Feeha his surprise.

"Aanaye, I hope you like seeing sky." Raem asked.

Sometimes, Aanaye replied.

Raem forwarded his hand to help Aanaye in climbing the wooden ladder that moved its visitors a little up to the telescope.

Aanaye refused but was going to fall. Raem moved forward and holded her back. With a slight shreak she got quite.

"You wouldn't have fallen if you would have holded my hand before. He asked Aanaye. Now I am holding your back."

Aanaye tried to free herself but he didn't leave untill she safely reached up to the telescope floor.

"Fine now, thankyou." She replied.

She was looking through the telescope but didn't know what to see and how. So Raem guided her.

Their on a couch Aanaye got back and sat.

"Let me make you a cup of coffee",Raem said and stood at back where was a tiny kitchen.

Aanaye felt the couch comfortable so moved her legs up for a half lie down. She lay down her head and closed her eyes. With in a seconds, the girl felt asleep.

As Raem came closer to serve coffee to Aanaye. He saw her being slept peacefully.

Raem felt her innocence and moved the quilt on her. He moved the couch nearby him and saw her sleeping.

Her hair were loosely tied and were falling on her face.

Raem felt the girl simple, clean, quiet ,innocent and beautiful. He sat nearby and loved watching her while having his coffee.

Feeha was surprised with a wonderful party gown. Both of them sat together on couch for few minutes in order to view through the huge open window.

They talked for hours.

Aanaye was sleeping peacefully. After few two hours sleep she woke up and found Raem looking at her.

"Goodmorning, said Raem."

Aanaye asked him, Is it morning?

"Yes, It is 4 a.m and lovely morning by you my side." He replied.

" Funny "... she replied and wore her slippers.

"No, damn serious, "said Raem to assure her.

"Where is Feeha? We are late." Aanaye asked while looking her sister around.

"Raem asked Aanaye to come at the railing of the room and pointed downstairs. Lookk they have slept too while talking under sky."

"Oh God let me wake them up."

Okay but wait have coffee first with me. I am going to make don't sleep again until I return.

"Are you engaged with anyone? He asked her."

"Yes, Raem's heart sank and he got quiet without asking her further to whom."

They had coffee and then moved downstairs. Raem help her in getting down.

Raem was shocked and hopeless and both reached to Feeha and Zabi, who were up and together the sisters walked out to the corridor, in the lift and then to the room on bed.