Runic Claw

The giant dragon was sprawled on the stone floor that was glowing red from the heat radiating out of him. A thick cloud of smoke was rising from his black armoured body, drifting towards the shaft in the ceiling of the dark cave chamber.

The small elf with blonde hair and two curled horns poking out of her head was moving the long sharp chisel made out of a shiny black metal emitting white light and sparks out of its tip. Her hands were moving nimbly over the giant claw, her chisel leaving sublime and perfect lines glowing in bright white light. Her blue and reptilian eyes were focused on her work, not blinking even once.

The dragon was looking at the working elf, a blissful feeling of warmth spreading from his claw, seeping through his whole body.

'Is this why people like to go on manicures... it feels so relaxing.'