Runic Body

POV RadiantHero:

A player with a bright nametag: RadiantHero, walked out of a damaged building with a sign having a rune on it. His plate armour made out of polished steel with brass decorations was glittering as it reflected bright sunlight. His long blue cape flapped behind him, townsfolk quickly clearing out of his path. His head, without any helmet, revealed a young man with shoulder-length blonde hair held by a hairband in a ponytail.

He was frowning, causing all of the civilians around him to look away.

'Multiple dead people on the crime scene with multiple people witnessing suspects in mantles and dragon-shaped masks running out of this place.'

He hurried his steps, his metal boots clanging on the paved stone road as he walked through a clean main street. Large multiple stories tall stone buildings grew from both sides of the road, throwing their shadows over the street.