
"Hi ,how may I help you?" she heard Tristan ask from the door. A lady spoke and that's when she immediately recognized her. She hurriedly walked to where the door was and smiled upon seeing who it was .She smiled back and welcomed herself in.

" Hi " June greeted

Unknowingly Ria led June to the patio and left Tristan at the door and didn't notice an angry expression appear on his face. The sun was high in the sky until slowly it began to drizzle out of nowhere.

" Weird,it was sunny when I left home and now it drizzling" June stated the fact .

The girls already forgot that they had left the owner of the house at door. Tristan was baffled ,did she just welcome somebody to his house without any proper introduction. Burning with fury he walked to where they were,he didn't even notice what he'd already done to the weather.

Ria turned to walk back to the kitchen until he saw the man walking towards them ,his eyes were purple like last time ,now this time she was sure that her eyes were not playing mind games ,he didn't smile or smirk ,he was just neutral faced. Until a person immediately stood before Tristan and made him stop in his tracks .


He was smiling at him .

"Calm down brother, it's just a minor mistake,do you want to scare her , your eyes have already turned " Khalifa whispered to Tristan such that only them could hear and not the girls. Ria was just peeping at Tristan to see his face but the heavily built khalifa was already obstructing her view.

" June " Ria whispered and June walked up to her " let's go "

Ria didn't know specifically what she suddenly was scared of, seeing the angry Tristan or seeing the colour of his eyes.

Why did they always scare her. Always.

" Why? " June asked confused ," I just came here "

" Let's go June...NOW " Ria said authoritatively that June flinched a little. She was surprised since all this while ,Ria had been all sweet and loving.


It didn't take long until they both reached at home ,Ria drove like a maniac. Ria was in a state where she didn't know whether she was angry or happy or sad or annoyed she just didn't know.

But mostly scared.

They both entered the house quietly .

" Oh my darlings ,you're home early ,come I want you two to prepare yourselves before you leave home " her Nanny ,Milkah ,said as she took them to the dining. Both of them looked at each other frowning.

" Leave and go where ?" They both asked in unison.

Milkah smiled at them both ,"Don't worry you're just going to your grandma's "

June stopped smiling, and Milkah noticed it and smiled at her " Even you June ,we might not know much about you but you're Mia's friend so you're welcome here and her grandma would be happy to have more company "

" When are we leaving ?" Ria asked since she could see all her bags had been packed ready to leave and go, " Now !"

Milkah left them in wonder all alone.

In no time they were already in the plane ready to leave , they didn't even say goodbye to anybody due to the hurry. You would actually think the house was on fire . In no time they were in the plane heading to her Grandma's home.


" Ria my darling ,how I missed you " Grandma exclaimed as she was at the door of the house after seeing our faces. Looking at Ria ,Ria hugged her grandma in pure happiness . After hugging Ria she hugged June who just smiled. June looked at Klara (grandma) then back at Ria who wore a frown on her face . She could not comprehend as to why Ria was frowning,wasn't she happy to see Klara. Who is never happy to see their Grandparents. She had never had a grandparent so she quite did not know the feeling. "Let's go inside my darlings " Klara was about to pick the stuff up but they both stopped her. Later on they had a peaceful dinner which was full of laughter and happiness but Ria was not ok .

" What's wrong Ria ,aren't you happy to see her ?" June asked when finally they were in their small and beautiful room.

" No...it's just that ,there's something off about her this time and I can't lay a finger on it " Ria said as she put on her pajamas.

" What do you think it is then ?" June asked again.

" I don't know June " with that she kept quiet a little as if she was litsening to someone in her brain " can you hear that June ,who is grandma speaking to ?"

Litsening closely that's when she heard some people speaking. Ria walked out and June silently followed. They found her closing the door.

"Who was that?" Ria asked

.June could feel it too ,there was some sense of insecurity in them both .And it all led back to her. She was yet to understand why it led to that old woman.

"It was the debt collectors ,don't worry about that ,go sleep now it's late " she dismissed them by waving her hand towards the stairs.

Soon they were back in the room ,Ria looked out the window and saw no one but she could feel some-thing or some-one was watching.