
Deep in the middle of the night in the Black house Mansion ,vivi could feel someone touching the contours of her hairline and was definitely a male due to some things that he was murmuring to her .How did he even enter here unnoticed,the girls dorms was secured more than the boys one. She wanted to stay in the security of her blankets until she heard the voice call her. She wondered why her roommate was not awake to hear this guy.

" Vilvine!" she heard the voice call and that's when she immediately recognized who it was. She slowly opened her eyes and peeped and saw Evan calling her. He was looking out as he spoke in hushed tones,he still seemed worried for reasons she was yet to know. But his cold touch sent butterflies down to her tummy . But she was not going to show him that all this touching made her feel good or sent a jolt in her body.

" What do you want ?" she muttered forcing the anger towards him.

" Wake up Vee ,we have to go "he whispered.

" Go where " she had already frowned looking at his beautifully sculpted face. Where it looked much better under the moonlight 🌙.

" Let's go I have to show you something, so let's go ?" he asked still touching her hair.

" Where Evan ,it's late already and you know that I am under very strict rules due to my bro " she spoke as she rose and and kept her elbow to the bed and looked at him.

" I know that but I still need you to go with you ,it's urgent " he said and she could finally see the urgency in his tone .

" Okay then but we can't take long " she spoke as she put on her hoodie. She face palmed herself in her head ,since she knew she would never refuse to his request.

"Let's go now " ,he held her hand and disappeared into thin air and just like that they left.


They appeared behind a building that was in the campus block ,she had never been there before since they were always prohibited from going to that area of the campus.

" What are we even doing here Evan ? " she asked while looking around to make sure nobody would see them both.

" Shhh! " he looked wary.

" What now ? " following his line of sight ,where she saw a bunch of guys sitting in a circle around the fire that was definitely blazing hot. The fire had some shades of blue. Definitely a luminous flame " what are they doing? " she whispered,still looking at them.

" Wait ! what are they ? " she asked again.

" Witches " he said.

" Aren't those your friends , Sabbat and Jason " she said poiting to the two faces she recognized .

" They are , " he answered " they are preparing for something "

" And what's that ? " her eyes became wide as saucers as the fire began to flame brighter and she could see it rise, it was no longer on the floor of the forest but rising higher . A violent wind began to fill the place as the fire rose and covered the people circling the fire.

" Won't they get burned ?" she asked holding Ethan's hand due to the strength of the wind .

" No ,they do it every day and never get burned ,I've been observing them for a while now " he spoke as he held her and pulled her to walk away from that place.

" Why are you observing them ,it's clearly none of your business " she said unknowingly.

" I know ,but once I asked Sabbat what they usually did ,he said that they were preparing themselves for the arrival of someone in forty days from now " he stated clearly.

" Someone ,to come here or ? " she asked confused.

" I have no idea Vilvine " he said as he was in deep thought . But she was already in another world due to how her name rolled out of his mouth.

" Vivi...vee " Evan was already before her calling her . She seemed to have zoned out.

" Oh...yes tell me " she said confusedly.

" You know I really like you vivi " he said looking at her face ,her eyes that shone brightly under the moonlight. They looked like small diamonds shinning bright at night ,then finally his gaze landed on her lips .Full and luscious.

" Yes I know and I like you too but " melancholy wrote itself on her face as she the reality of that they couldn't be together due to her...

" Your brother won't allow this ,will he ?" he stated the fact of the matter.

" No , my brothers ,will not allow this " she was stressed out too. She understood why her brothers were this way. Her past relationships had always been a mess .Her past boyfriends were always the ones to use her powers and what she could offer as a girl .She was too naive back then to even realize it , but her brothers were always there to support her and protect her nd now she knew they were already fed up of her relationship status.

" You have another brother other than Tristan ? " he was surprised since he knew that this meant more overprotection hence more struggle.

" Yeah ,his name is Khalifa and he is alot of trouble " she spoke thinking of all the mischievous things had done in the past especially when he was in school.

" Hmmm ,I see ,then I have to prove myself to them ,right " he said with determination and she could only smile at him as he advanced towards her and kissed her passionately just as he always did and she always loved each and every time. Then an evil grin was written all over his face, and she frowned.

" What did I do now ? " she asked.

" I'll have to punish you " he spoke and he saw she didn't know why she was being punished " do you remember you telling me that it's not my business to observe those guys "

Realization hit Vivi hard as she remembered how rude it must have sounded to him and she could only accept the punishment since however the punishment was...
