Chapter 4: The Call To Persia: Part 1

I was confused and didn't know what to do and I started hearing a voice as soft as the wind calling out to me "Tanya", knowing that there's nothing I could do, I listened to the voice as it continued, "It's me, Samira. I'm here to help you out but you'll have to trust me and let me take over". At that moment I was scared and I was in a decision to make between letting an unknown thing take over me and letting a flaming figure attack Charles.

I knew that I had no other choice, so I closed my eyes and sighed heavily as I said "I agree". Immediately I felt a rush and I could feel an adrenaline, it was almost as if I could do anything, but at the same time I could do nothing because I was no longer in control I could only feel things.

I saw myself heading towards the door and burning it down and I walked straight to Charles' room and I stared at the figure as it turned back and looked at me. It's flames subsided and I could see Austin, he said to me, "Get out of here Tanya", "What are you doing here Darius? I replied and I saw fear in his eyes as I called his real name. "Samira... how is it possible? I thought you aren't coming out till her nineteenth birthday" "I was sent by Daria to come after you because you broke your command. You were only meant to bring her to the house and possibly help her travel worlds and that's why you were given the power to command flames" "I know that but you have all this power and you don't understand what it means for a mere shadow to hold such immerse power. It drives you crazy and you want more of it and I am not going to let this boy be used, I want to go through the process instead" "It's not your choice to make, it's master's" "Samira please choose me and leave him" "Darius, your sister Daria is gonna have your head so I suggest you leave peacefully" "I'm sorry I can't" he says as he sends a ball of flame from his palm to my direction.

I stopped the flame with my right hand and it went out as I clenched my fist suspended on the air, then I opened my hand only to show him another ball of flame that I was conjuring. "Give up Darius, this is an unwinnable fight". He turns to Charles and sends a ball of flame in his direction, but I sent a burst of flame around the room and swallowed his flame with mine and protected Charles with a dome of flame in the process. "Darius you leave me with no choice" with that, my flames body caught on fire and it's flames turned blue and I sent a blast of flame towards Darius and he burnt into a shadow. "Darius, you can no longer have the form of a human and you are going to answer to the master" I said as I clenched my fist once more and he vanished. Then I turned towards Charles and noticed that he has been asleep while all that was going on and I knew that something was wrong.

I walked over to him and I opened his shirt and noticed black veins around his heart area. Then I knew that Darius has done what he came for but he wanted to kill time. Without wasting time, I placed my hands on the infected area and I started burning it up with my blue flame and it started clearing up until it was all gone. I watched him carefully hoping that i wasn't too late, after a while he started coughing and opened his eyes. I kissed him. and I smiled. "Tanya, what are you doing here by this time? And how'd you get in?" "Don't you worry, you'll know everything soon" I said as I rubbed my right index finger across his face and he slept off. I walked down and I went outside and I turned towards the house and I sent out my blue flame once me and it fixed everything. I burnt up the memory of that night from Charles' mind as well as that of anyone else who might have seen it.

I felt a little tingly and shortly after I felt a strong surge in my body and I heard Samira's voice once more "Thank you for trusting me" "No... thank you for saving Charles" "The only thing I have to say right now is that you should go and meet Daria and find out what she wants to tell you and let her help you out, help us out" "Ok Samira... I'll do it". After saying that I couldn't hear her again and I headed back home. I wanted to find out more about what's going on, but I felt too weak and I decided to leave it till morning and I went to bed.

I had a dream and I saw myself and the shadow figure I saw in the cave standing in a house which was filled with ancient artifacts. She said to me "I'm waiting for you, Samira" "Daria, I don't know where to look for you". She points at a table which was at the corner and said "We will meet twice; one, close and one, far way". I went over and saw a piece of paper and as soon as I picked it up, I turned around and didn't see her again. Immediately I woke up and looked around for a while and noticed that it was still midnight. After a short while, I went back to sleep.

Soon or was morning and I got up from bed feeling a bit tired after last night and made my way to freshen up. After a bath, I made my way back to the room and as I progressed towards my wardrobe, I saw a piece of paper on my desk and it looked a lot like the one from my dream. I went over to my desk and I picked up the paper and it had a drawing on it, it was a drawing of mountains which were painted in gold colour. I was quite confused and didn't know what it meant and so I put in into my journal to come for it later on.

I went downstairs to have my breakfast and met my mom on the phone talking to someone about a case. I made my way to the table without disturbing her and went to have my breakfast. By the time I was done, she was through making her call. "Good morning mom" "Good morning honey... How was your night?" "I slept well" I said as I smiled at her. "I'm sorry but I have to go out" "But it's Sunday" "Yeah I know, but it's an emergency" "Ok mom... Please take care of yourself, okay" "Ok" she said as she kissed me on the forehead and leaves for work.

I went back to my room and sat at my study desk. I pulled out the paper from my journal and stared at it. I began asking myself why she would draw a golden mountain as her address while trying to ignore the fact that a paper came out of my dream to the real world. I decided to look it up online, I searched for 'Golden mountains'. All I could see were pictures of mountains painted golf and I knew that was not it, so I decided to do a group video call with my friends, Charles, Jennie and Aria.

"Hi guys" I said, "Hi" they all said simultaneously. "How's it going, Tanya?" Aria asked, "I'm ok". "So what's up?" Jennie asked, "Do any of you know anything about a golden mountain" I asked. "Not really" Aria said, "You should ask our aspiring geographer, Charles"Jennie added. "Well... There's a place called 'The golden mountains of Altai' over at Siberia". Then at that moment I recalled my dream and I remembered saying something about meeting close and near and we were at Centennial, then I asked "Is there somewhere with the same name around here?" "Not really, but there's a city called 'Golden' and it has mountains by it and it's not too far from here". With that, I knew that I've found the first meeting place, "Ok... Thanks". "Why'd you ask?" Charles asked, "Just looking for a place to relax next weekend and I was told by a friend that it's a nice place" I said. Jennie widened her eyes as she says "How about we all go there for the weekend?" "That sounds like a nice idea... What'd you think Charles?" Aria added, "I'll go if Tanya is ok with it". I knew that they would get suspicious if I backed out or refused them coming, so I said, smiling, "Sure thing guys". They all shouted in laughter except for Charles who tried to play it cool by just smiling, but I knew that he was happy as well. "Yes... We're going on a weekend vacation, I can't wait. Infact I need to get packing" Jennie said, "Chill out sis, it's a week away, Aria said. "Well, it can never be too early to pack up. Plus more, I need to find out their style and but dresses that make me look the part" Jennie replied. We all laughed at Jennie, she too joined in. "'s official, we're going to Golden. Ok then, take care guys" I said, "Bye" they all said simultaneously. "Bye" I said as I ended the chat and sighed.

I looked at the piece of paper with the drawing of the golden mountain on it and I picked it up and stared at it, then I said to myself, "Just a week to go and I'll finally get answers. I'll finally understand my history and what's going on with me and most importantly, I'll find out where all these shadows are coming from and who their master is".