Chapter 5: The Call To Persia: Part 2

"After a week of my stressful school activities it's finally Friday night" I told myself as I sat on my bed looked at the golden mountain on the piece of paper in my hand. "By this time tomorrow, I'll be on the verge of knowing and understanding what's going on".

Just then, my phone rang and when I looked at it I was shocked, I saw the name 'Austin' on it. Firstly, I was confused because I never gave my number to him nor did I collect he's and secondly, he doesn't have his human form, so he couldn't be calling me, after hesitating it got cut. I sighed, but still in shock and then, it rang again and this time I picked up out of curiosity.

"Hello" I said as I listened to hear the person over the phone. "Hello, is this Tanya?" he asked, but I noticed that it wasn't Austin but someone else.

"Yes... and who's this?" "I'm Derek" "I don't recall knowing any Derek" "Listen Samira, I'm Ramin and I work for Chief Reza". I was shocked at what he said, "Who's that?" I asked, "He's the Guardian that the master put in charge of human affairs" "What about Daria?" "I am in no leverage to tell you that, because you are to meet with her tomorrow and then, she'll tell you all you have to know" "So why did you call me then?" "I called to tell you that I'll be handling the Austin disappearance issue. So you don't have to worry about him and focus on your dealings" "Ok... I've heard you sir. I'll keep that in mind" "You don't have to call me 'Sir', my lady. I am answerable to you not the other way around" "I don't understand" "You will, in time. I look forward to seeing you soonest", and with that, he hung up the phone and just then I realized that I didn't even ask him how he got my number or how he's was saved on my phone.

I decided to start packing up for our trip. While I was packing up, different thoughts of everything going on and what was soon to happen, all went through my mind and I couldn't wait to understand what was going on with me and what my future holds.

After packing up, I decided to go get some sleep. While on my bed, I couldn't help but feel restless and I reached out for my drawer and got my MP3 player. I pulled in my headphones and put it on, and I started listening to some music till I slept off.

Then I had a dream, I saw myself standing on a flat stone in the middle of nowhere and I was surrounded by some shadows and they parted a way and I saw Charles lying on another flat stone, unconscious. I saw a shadow walk over to Charles and touched him. As he did that, I saw Charles turn into a shadow, and the shadow turned into Charles.

Immediately I woke up and sat up, only to see Austin's shadow standing in my room and staring at me. Then I saw another shadow appear and Austin's shadow disappeared. The other shadow turned to me and gave a nod before disappearing as well.

I sat on my bed playing everything that went on, in my head; from the dream to the action in my room. I didn't know who that shadow guy who took Charles' human form nor the shadow that was chasing Austin all I knew was that I was about to get my answers. Just then, I realized that I had my music playing all the while, and I just rest my head for a while before sleeping off.

Soon it was morning and I got up from bed feeling happy that I was finally gonna understand what's going on with me. I got up from bed and I went into the bathroom to freshen up and after a while, I got out, got dressed and took my luggage downstairs. I went over to the dining table where my mom was sitting and having her meal, and sat down for my breakfast. "Good morning mom" "Good morning honey... How're you doing?" "I'm fine mom" "Hope you slept well?" "No mom... I am still seeing shadows in my dreams and in my room as well" " No worries honey, you will get your answers from Daria" "Do you know her?" " Well, yes... She taught me a few things to do in order to help you through everything you're to go through" "Like how to erase people's minds" "Yeah, she taught me that. Alongside Ramin and Reza, I really learnt a lot from her" "Seems like you're familiar with a lot of them" "Yeah... but I never got to meet their master. Come on honey, I only know a few things, the person who can answer most of your questions with more details, is waiting for you" "Ok mom". With that, we focused on our meal till we were done and I got up and took the dishes to the sink and as I was washing them, I heard the sound of Jennie's car. "Honey, your friends are here" my mom yelled, "I'm coming mom" I said. She came into the kitchen and she held me by the hands, "Come on dear, you have to get going" "I'm almost done, just a few minutes more" "Don't worry about it, I got it covered. Just go have fun, okay?" "Ok mom" "I'll miss you Tanya " "It's just the weekend mom" I said laughing. "I know dear" she says, then she whispers "Take care, Samira". I smiled and hugged my mom, then I heard the horn again. "Come on, you gotta go" she said, "Bye mom" I said as I turned around and took my luggage outside with my mom accompanying. I took my luggage to the car and the driver got out and helped me in putting it into the trunk and we both got into the car. As I got in, I winded the window glass, down and we all waved at her and simultaneously said "bye", she smiled and waved back saying "bye" as well and we started moving.

"Hey guys... Are you ready for our trip?" I asked, "Duh... I've been ready since last week" Jennie replied. "No kidding... You even got us a ride to the airport when we can get there on land as well as boarding tickets for the flight" Charles said. "I guess you don't give up a chance to go flexing, do you?" Aria asked, "Nope... Not a chance, not even in a million years" Jennie replied, and we all burst into laughter. Jennie turned on the music player and we danced to some tunes till we all slept off and I had a vision from Daria, she showed me a wooden house which was surrounded by a garden and had small statue of a woman holding a baby, on her sitting room table and I woke up and stared staring out of the window.

After a while, we came to a stop at the airport and we all got off and headed straight for our flight. Shortly after the processes were done and followed, we were directed to our sits where we sat down and prepared for the boarding to end and the flight to commence. And soon, our flight took off. I looked out the window at the view for a while before putting on my headphones and playing some songs over my MP3 player. I felt a tap on my shoulder, "Don't you get tired of listening to music" Charles who was my sit mate, asked me, "Actually I don't... It helps me think, focus and clear my head" "And what does your head need clearing up for?" "Nothing... Just wanna enjoy our time there and forget about the fact that we're going into the real world soon" "Yeah... That's true, but you have to be prepared for whatever you face, because the future is uncertain" he said and I remembered my dream of him as well as my own uncertain future. "I'll try to be ready for anything, even the uncertain" I said with a smile on my face and he smiled at me as well. "So are you ready to spend some quality time with your girlfriend?" I asked him teasingly, "Well I'm not, I just there for the exotic food and the super soft bed at the resort" "Huh... No fair" I said as I folded my arms and faced the other side. "Come on Tanya, I'm just kidding. Of course I want to spend time with you, why else do you think I would leave in the same house as Jennie who doesn't let anyone sleep the the night because of her law; that she wants to sleep first so she doesn't get scared, no offense though", then he drags apart my arms and he holds my hand and I didn't know when I started blushing and grabbed his hand tightly and we both stared out the window.

Soon we were close to our destination and the plane started the landing protocol. After a successful landing, we all got out of the plane and went to get our luggages. A black Mercedes Benz SUV came to a stop at our front and the driver got out and asked if we were the ones he was to pick up to the resort and we all nodded. He helped us in getting our luggages into the trunk and we all got in and we were on our way.

After a short drive, we were at our destination and it looked better than we expected.The walls were painted white and gold and the floor was made with marble tiles. The chandeliers were so beautiful and the furniture were a perfect blend of classic and futuristic. They even had a massage chair and an indoor cinema.

So we all began our order of business; Charles took a bowl of marshmallow flavoured pop corn and took his place on bed in one of the rooms, Aria went to explore the jacuzzi in the house by entering into it, Jennie went straight for the massage chair and I decided to pay the indoor cinema, a visit. We explored a lot of things that night and after a while of running around, we decided to take a rest and continue the next day. I went into Charles' room to stay for the night and I got to sleep in his caring and surprisingly soft arms.

After a night of peaceful and comfortable sleep, I woke up and I decided that it was time to time I go look for Daria. I got out of bed, and noticed that Charles wasn't in bed, so I went to freshen up and got dressed and went downstairs and I saw the three of them sitting at the fruit table; it's a table which has a lot of fruits on it. "Hi guys" I said, "hi" they all replied. "Hope you enjoyed your sleep?" Charles asked and then kisses me, "Uh... You guys should get a room" Jennie said jokingly and we both smiled. "Well, yeah I did. And I wanna go sight seeing today" I said, "Ok then, let's all go" Aria said. I intended on telling them no, but I didn't want to draw any suspicions, so I agreed.

After breakfast, we all set out to the city to see how it looks like, in person, but I had other plans. I thought of a way to get over to Daria and I told them that I wanted to visit a friend that lives around, baring in mind that I can erase their minds if anything was to go wrong. And we all set out to Daria's house and I started looking for a wooden house which was in a garden and I could remember a signboard which read 'Happy Times' and after hours of asking directions, we finally got there and I was happy. I pushed the bell and someone opened the door.