Chapter 6: The Call To Persia: Part 3

As the door opened, girl with white skin and black monolid eyes and a black high ponytail almost as if she's Asian. She was putting on a black singlet with a pink and white striped jacket and black trousers with pink and white sneakers.

She runs out and gives me a hug, "Tanya, I've missed you... how've you been?" "Been good and you?" "I've been great" she says as she smiles and notices my friends. "I see you brought your friends" "Yeah... Aria, Jennie and Charles...", as I turned towards her, I was uncertain of her real name, then I heard a voice whisper to me, "Lucy" and I decided to go with it, " Lucy and Lucy, meet my friends". "Hi guys" she says as she waved at them, they all waved back saying, "Hi". "You should all come in" Lucy said as she widened the door and steps out of the way. We all got in and she closed the door behind us as we took our seats.

Just then, a woman walks out of the kitchen with cookies in a tray and she places them on the table where we were seated, "Welcome Tanya...", then she turns over to the others, "Hi Tanya's friends, you can all help yourselves out with some cookies". "Thanks ", we all chorused and smiled as we took one cookie each. "Tanya, it's nice to see you again" the woman said, "It's nice to see you too...", I realized the familiarity in her voice even though we've never met before but I didn't know who Lucy was. I heard the voice again telling me the name "Charlotte".

"Aunt Charlotte, hope you don't mind us coming over for a visit?" I asked, wanting to know if she was the owner of the name. "No, not at all... if anything, I am happy that you came visiting because I wanted to discuss a few things with you". Charlotte calls out to Lucy and she makes her way from the front door and everyone was in shock, "Sorry mom, I was fixing the garden at the front and i decided to take the back so as not to disturb you" Lucy explains herself, "No worries dear... Please can you entertain our guests, I want to have a little chat with Tanya" she smiles and puts her hand on my shoulder, "Ok mom" Lucy replies.

Charlotte took me to upstairs to a room and closed the door behind us. "Daria, is that you?" I asked, "Yes Samira, it is me" she replies. "If you're Daria, then who's Lucy?" "She is my daughter and her real name is Leila... She is a telepathic and speed shadow" "So she was the one telling me those names?" "Yes" "And you?" "I am a messager shadow, Darius and I are one in the same. We take forms and abilities in order to convey a message" "Like showing up in my dreams and that time in the cave?" "Exactly" "So what type am I?" "Take a seat first" she says as she points at one of the chairs in the room we were in, which seemed like a study room because it was filled with shelves and books; we both took our seats eventually.

"Listen Samira, you are a little different from the rest of us" "How?" "You are one of the rarest shadows, you're a fire shadow, but you are not like other fire shadows, you commas the flame which Atar once commanded and you are also a guardian shadow" "Who is Atar?" "He is one of the Persian gods and he commanded pure fire" "So you're tryna say that I'm different because of my power" "Not that, it's because of your purity even though you are a shadow" "How many types of shadows are they?" "They are a many, and we're still discovering more, like you" "Wow... I don't really know what to say" "I know it's confusing but you'll get used to it in time. And I have something to tell you, Leila is a 'super shadow' just like you" "How?" "She has special abilities but I am yet to discover them" "How did you know?" "Chief Reza told me but he didn't want to show me what she's capable of, because I am a messager shadow and I can mistakingly transmitt her future occurrences to her and it would not end well" "Who is Chief Reza anyways?" "He is the guardian in charge of shadow and human related affairs and he is a super shadow just like you and Leila" "What is his power?" "He can create a bridge between the human and shadow world and he is a fortune-seeking shadow; he can tell future occurrences as well as people's destinies" "He must be a great and power shadow" "Indeed he is... He is one of the most powerful shadows that you will ever come across" "How about Ramin?" "He is a speed shadow and a bounty hunter, but he doesn't do it for the money, he is avenging his wife and son who were killed by rogue shadows" "He must be going through a lot" "Yes indeed, and he does not want any one else to experience what he has been through an so, he hunts down rogue shadows at all costs even though if it costs his life".

I was staring at her as she was lost in her words, "How do you know my mom?" "She was a barren woman who could not bare a child and so, she prayed to the moon spirits for one and they blessed her, but she had to give something in return and she had nothing and so, they proposed the marriage but she disagreed and wanted to take your place, but they refused and threatened to take you back from her, and she helplessly had to agree, but she did everything that she could to help you even to the point of meeting with shadows and learning about them and you as well with the help of Chief Reza's ability" "So she is not at fault... All she wanted was a daughter to call her own, but all she got was 'Samira the shadow bride' and now she's paying for it" "Do not talk like that Samira, you are a blessing in disguise and a pure one at that. We are all lucky to have you" "Thanks Daria", she nods and smiles.

"So what happened to Austin?" "He got stripped off his human rights and is now in the burnt dungeon; its a place where rogue shadows are locked up in the shadow world" "Woah, that's scary... I have so many more questions to ask" "And you will get them, but not right now because your friends are being kept waiting" " more" "Go on" "Who is 'the master'?" "As the name implies, he is our master and he is the most powerful shadow surmounting to the power of hundreds of thousands of shadows. I have only met him once and that was when I brought Leila to rest in the lotus water; a sacred water that keeps us mere-shadows safe from being taken over by were-shadows, and that was where I met your mother. I know what you want to ask and I will tell you; mere-shadows are pure shadows like us while were-shadows are rogue shadows and are commanded by another master who wants you for himself and not for our master because he wants the ability of both a mere-shadow and a were-shadow so as to gain control over both" "Seems like there is more to the shadow world then I know" "Yes... You can come to the shadow world to see a few of them" "Ok Daria" "Let us go back to the others" "Yeah".

We both went downstairs saw the others playing a game of chess; it was Aria, Jennie and Charles versus Lucy. "Queen from b3 to b7.... checkmate" Lucy says as she gives a devilish smile. They all turn to me, "Please help us, Tanya. She has beaten us 3 - 0 now" Jennie begged with her babyish voice, "Ouch..." I said knowing that they are playing against a telepath and can never win. "Come on Tanya" Aria called out to me, "No thank you, I'll just watch as you three get beaten by one person" I said sarcastically. "I sense sarcasm in your words" Charles said suspiciously, then we all laughed.

After two more losses to Lucy, we all went to a basketball court at their backyard and we teamed up; Lucy, Aunt Charlotte and I versus Charles, Aria and Jennie. After 4 quarters, we were tied at 97 - 97, the countdown began; 5... 4... 3..., Aunt Charlotte took a base to base shot, 2... 1..., immediately it went in. And everyone's mouth were wide open, and Lucy took the courtesy of raising our jaws for us. Then Aunt Charlotte whispered into my ear, "I'm also a strength shadow" and then she winked at me and I giggled.

After a while, we were ready to go and we were all gathered in front of the house, then I walked up to Aunt Charlotte and asked with a low voice, "Do you think she knows about...?" "I can't tell" " What they of shadow is she?" "A telepathic or truth-seeking shadow" she said as we both turned to her and she looked beck at us in an unsettled manner, but tries to hide it with a smile, "You have to explain it to her" I said, "No worries, I'll make sure of that" Charlotte replied. We both hugged and I went to Lucy and I hugged her as well and whispered into her ears, "Do worry, she'll explain everything better and she'll help you through" "I know... Thank you" she responded in a low tone, then we both smiled and broke the hug.

"Thank you for having us over" Aria said, "The pleasure is all mine" Charlotte replied. Aria, Charles, Jennie and I turned around and made our way back to the resort and I heard a voice in my head say, "Bye" I turned around and smiled at Lucy as giggled and closed the door and I continued on my way.

After a little while, we were back at our luxurious resort and it was nightfall and we all made our way to dining area. "Wow... today was fun" Aria said, "Yeah... I can't remember the last time I had such fun" Jennie added, "Tanya, that your friend is one of a kind... She is really fun and jovial" Charles said and we all turned and smiled at him "Nope... nah... nah, you guys shouldn't give me that face. Tanya, you're in this as well?" he said as he sakes his head. We started laughing at him and I got up, I walked up to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek, "Don't worry, I trust you" and I winked at the girls and we started giggling and I ran away, "Tanya come back here" he said as he gets up from his chair and chases after me. I ran to the beach at the back and he catches up to me and he pulled me into the water. "Aww... my clothes" "Aww... my feelings", we both stared at each other for a few seconds then I sat and placed my back on his chest and wrapped his hands round me.

"We have been too busy having fun that we haven't even given much interest in 'us' " "Yeah... It's a new thing for me, so I'm adjusting" "Are you tryna say that I'm your first" "Apparently, yes. Things haven't always worked out between me and people cause they see me as weird or as different and that's why I've only hanged out with you and the others" "You aren't weird, Tanya. If anything, you are special and your difference is what makes you, you" "Thanks Charles, I wish others could be as caring and loving as you are". I turned around and I kissed him and I turned around again and I slept off on his chest.

I woke up, sat up and looked outside the window to realize that it was morning and I was on my bed.