Chapter 7: The Field Of Study

As I sat on my bed, the thought of how I got there didn't bother me much because I knew that it was likely to have been Charles; rather, the thoughts of my conversation with Daria and all the questions I wanted to ask her, kept flowing through my mind. "What are my capable of? Who Samira is? Who the master is? and most importantly, who is the master of the were-shadows. I couldn't get my answers to those questions but I knew that I would still get the chance to find out more about the shadows if I went to the shadow world, but I came back to my right senses and realized that I already have a life and I need to live it to the fullest.

With that, I got of from bed, freshened up and went downstairs. "Good morning sleepy head" Aria said, "You've made it a daily routine of us all waking up before you" Jennie said laughing. "Well I stayed up late" I said, "We know, we saw you and Charles" Jennie said. "Speaking of Charles, where is he anyways?" I asked, just then, someone's hands wrapped round my waist, took me off my feet and spinned me round before dropping me on my feet. I turned around to see Charles,"He's right here" he said and he kissed me. We all laughed as we gathered round the table to have our breakfast.

"So when's our flight?" I asked, ""By 2:00pm" Jennie answered. "It seems like it was just yesterday that we came" Aria added, "Well all this must come to an end" Charles said and we all smiled and continued with our food. "How about we make the most of our remaining time here, what do you guys say?" Aria said, "It's a nice idea but we have to finish up and get ready by 1:00pm" Jennie said. "It's a thing then" I said as we all laughed.

After a while of resting, we all went out side in our swim clothes getting ready to go for a swim. "Last to get in is a rotten egg" Charles said as he dashed for the water. He took a splash in and was followed by Aria and Jennie and finally me. "Oh my gosh... Charles, you just called your girlfriend a rotten egg" Jennie said as she puts her hands over her mouth. Charles' eyes widened as he starts to stammer, "You... you know that I didn't mean to call you that... it's... just just a game and you happened to... to...", I cut him short with a kiss and said, "You don't have to explain, I understand". "Yeah she understands that her boyfriend just called her a rotten egg " Jennie said as she laughed and ran away but was caught by Charles who threw her back into the water. We began a splash war and later on, we settled for some cocktails by the beach side.

Charles gave a sigh and said, "Now this is the life" "Too bad we have to leave" Aria said. "Speaking of... What's the time anyways" Jennie asked, "None of us are with watches" I replied. Jennie got up and went to a lady nearby to ask what the time was, we couldn't hear what the lady said, but with the speed at which Jennie used to come back, told it all. "Guys we gotta go" she said, "What's the time?" I asked, "It's 12:50pm. Actually it could be 12:51pm by now, but we have about an hour and a few minutes to get ready and get to the airport".

We all stood up and dashed for our resort. We ran to our various rooms and packed up while Jennie who was already packed, called our driver. We all got ready and heard car horn outside, with that, we dashed outside. The car driver came out and helped us in loading up and we all got in and left.

By 1:47pm, we were at the airport and we went over for clearance and afterwards, we were directed to our plane. Aria and Jennie were directed to seats while Charles and I were directed to the back but we could not find two chair which were free and side by side, so we ended up having to separate for the journey.

I sat by a man who had curly hair and beard which was shaved like that of Doctor Strange. "Hi... milady" He said, "Hi" I replied wondering if we knew each other. "Do not feel uneasy, I am the bounty hunter" "Ramin?" "Yes milady" "Why are you talking like that?" "I'm over 200 years old, but Chief Reza insists that I try to reforge my English in order to match with that of the modern day society" "How did you live that long and still look young?" "We shadows have lengthened lifespan, we can live for up to 500 years. The oldest shadow we have right now is 1508 years old and the one before him died at the age of 2307 but they are were-shadows, the oldest mere-shadow is the master and he is of 1418 years" "So what are you trying to tell me? That I'm going to be alive fro a long time?" I said feeling unsettled, "Yes milady, so it is highly advisable to avoid close relationships" "How about your wife and kid? What happened to them?", he sighed and looked outside the window and back at me. "My wife's name was Elena, she was the most beautiful maiden I had ever set my eyes on. We had a son who I was told, was destined for great things. One night, while we were at the lower town village, we were all ambushed by the Chief of the were-shadow and a few other powerful shadows, Chief Amir. They took many lives that night as well as that of my wife, and they took the children to train them into being soldiers for them. And my son was among them" "I'm so sorry" "Do not worry, it is not your fault" "How long has it been since the inconvenience?" "88 years now and since then, I swore never to let any other person go through such tragic incidence" "You must have gone through a lot" "Yes indeed, but I have learnt to manage over the years" "So why are you on this flight?" "I wanted to see you in person and also, you are invited to our annual festival of fire in the shadow world" "I don't think that in ready to go there" "I know that you are frightened because it is an unfamiliar world, but you will be welcomed there and a number of the masses await your presence including Chief Reza and Lady Daria" "I'm still scared because I know that people are after me" "Do not worry milady, I will guard you throughout your stay there" "Are you sure that I'll be safe?" "I give you my word" "I'll have to talk to my mom about it" "We have talked to your mom and she said that she will allow it, if you agree to join" "I'll agree to it, if you agree to give me more information" "Chief Reza will provide you with all the knowledge you need" " Ok... I agree" "Splendid... I will send word to Chief Reza and Lady Daria, at once". I smiled and he turned and stared out of the window for the rest of the flight.

After a short while, our plane landed and we all got off. I turned around to look for Ramin but he was no where to be found. Aria, Jennie, Charles and I all gathered together in a spot and the same car which brought us to the airport when we were about to travel, came to take us back home. The driver got out of the car and helped us in loading and soon after, we were on our way back home.

I was the first to get off, around 8:30pm; after I got out, I got my luggage from the car trunk and I waved them all good bye. They all waved back at me as the car departed to take them to their various houses. I walked to the door and pressed the door bell, my mom opened the door and welcomed me with a tight hug. "I've missed you dear" "I've missed you too mom", she released me from the hug and took my luggage to my room. I followed her in, had my bath, changed into something else and came downstairs. I met her at the dining table with food already served, I sat by the table and she served out a portion into a plate for me and for herself as well.

"So how'd it go?" "It was great mom. We had a lot of fun and went to the beach" "Wow... That sounds incredible" "Yeah it was the best time of my life" "How about Daria and Leila?" "We met them over there?" "We?" "Yeah... Aria, Jennie, Charles and I all went together, but don't worry, they don't know a thing about us" "Oh!... okay. I also got informed about an upcoming festival in the shadow world and I told Daria that it's your decision whether to go or not" "I already spoke to Ramin and I'm going" "Are you sure honey?" "Absolutely. I need more answers and I believe I'll find out a lot over there" "Of course you do know that it is not totally safe over there?" "I do, but Ramin has given his word to protect me throughout my stay there" "Ok dear... But please be very careful" "I will, mom" "So when's the festival? "I don't know yet, but I'm sure to know by then" "Okay" "Mom... How is Chief Reza like?" "Well... He is kind but he is strict, he is a really busy man and he is one of the most powerful shadows" "Wow... He sounds like an interesting character" " Indeed he is. He is also a charismatic leader who cares a lot for his comrades and people" "Where was he during the death of Ramin's wife?" "He wasn't the Chief then, he was one of the defenders but was promoted after the death of the previous Chief who died in a fight to get the kids back. His name was Chief Kaveh and he was one of the most respected shadows and he died facing the master of the were-shadows" "That guy got some guts" "Yeah he did and Chief Reza is trying to live up to the legacy of his predecessor and as such, he puts a lot of thought in his head, a lot of work on his shoulders and a lot of lives in his hands just to make everyone proud and let no one down" "Wow mom, seems like you know a lot about him" "He was my best friend and the one who told me about the moon spirits and their connection to the shadows" "Do you guys still talk?" "I last heard from him 16 years ago, when you were just 2 years old and I haven't heard from him up till this vere moment" "Sorry mom" "You don't have to be, he is a really busy man and I understand that" "I'll try talking to him when I get there" "You don't have to, my dear" "But I want to, I want to reunite two best friends who haven't seen each other in a while" "Thanks sweetie" "No worries mom, everything is gonna be ok" I said as I grabbed her hand and we both smiled.

"I don't want to keep you up too late, just go to your room and sleep, I'll take care of the dishes" mom said, I got up and pecked her on the cheek and said, "Thanks mom". I went up to my room and laid on my bed, all the thoughts of our stay in the resort, was. I reached for my MP3 player and my headphones and I put them on. After a while of listening to music, I slept off.