Chapter 8: The Invitation

I woke up and realized that it was morning; I got out of bed and freshened up before I heard a shout from downstairs telling me to come down for breakfast.

After a short while, I went downstairs for my meal; I saw my mom in the kitchen serving out our foods unto plates. "Good morning mom" I said as I hugged her from behind, "Hi baby, how're you doing?" "I'm fine mom" "Hope you were able to sleep peacefully?" "Yes mom" "Seems like you don't have much nightmares when you're with, Charles" she said teasingly as she went over to the table and I followed her. "Mom, how'd you know?" "You guys kind of give it out, plus more you just confirmed it. So how long has it been?" "The day after my birthday" "Does he know what happens few months from now?" "Not really. I just want to enjoy my life as a human being before I become the shadow bride and become a full blown shadow" "I understand dear, but please be careful" she said as she held my hand and finishes fixing up the table and we both sat for our meals.

"Have you completely made up your mind concerning the invitation to the shadow world?" she asked, "I've made up my mind. I need answers and understanding and I can only get it when I go there" "It seems like you are really taking your shadow studies seriously" "Yes mom, I have to, because I don't what I'm gonna face when I become 19 or when I go there; I want to know everything as early as I can so that I can avoid likely surprises" "Ok dear, I understand... Just be careful, okay?" "Ok mom, I will" I said as I smiled and focused on my food.

When I was done, I got up, took the plates to the sink, kissed my mom goodbye and left for school.

I got into a bus; I sat next to a young guy with green spikey hair and amber eyes. Suddenly I heard a whisper, "Samira", I looked around for the person who said it. The bus stopped and I saw the guy I was sitting next to, coming out of the bus, but he never passed me. He turned to me as he was going off and he grinned, I heard a voice say; "follow him", so I came down and followed him. I trailed him until we got to an alley and then he turned towards me and smirked.

"It's nice meeting you princess Samira" he said, "Who are you?" I asked him because I haven't seen him before. "Relax princess, I'm on your side" "What do you mean?" "We might be a little different, but trust me I have good intentions" "Who are you?" "I'm... a were-shadow...". Immediately I made to run, but he continued "... and I know how to get you the answers that you seek" "How do I know that I can trust you" "Princess, I have nothing to gain by lying to you or deceiving you. I have no word of my own, I only work with the words that are given to me" "So you're like a puppet?" "Princess, that is a harsh way to put it, I prefer the term auxiliary. I help and assist my masters in their biddings" "Wow, that's convenient" "They want to help you understand your shadow side and your full potential. My supreme master himself has made arrangements for your training and studying" "What exactly do you guys want?" "We want to serve you and treat you the way that you deserve at your rank" "Why would they want to help me out?" "They believe that you are the key to something greater, they also believe that you were born for a reason and we are yet to find out, but we will stop at nothing to find out what it is and help you achieve it" "So what's the catch?" "Catch? There is no catch, we only want to devote ourselves to you so that we can be part of the great future that will go on to be called a great history " "This all sounds unreal" "It does, but we, were-shadows, stop at nothing to achieve what we intend on no matter what the cost is" "Even a life?" "A single life for the life of many" "I don't want to be a part of such" "Listen Princess, what they will give you in a month, we can give you in a day".

With that single sentence alone I was captivated, I wasn't in my right senses again, "What should I do?" I asked out of uncertainty, "All you have to do is come over to Great lakes when you get to the shadow world and I will come over and take you to my master" "I'll think about it" "I understand princess, it is no easy thing to do. But I trust that you'll decide wisely" "Thank you" "I'm glad that I could be of service to you princess" "When you decide to come, meet me and the great lakes, I'll be there waiting for you" "Okay". He turned around and walked till her turned into a shadow and into dust afterwards.

I stood there mesmerized until I got brought back to reality by the thought of school, then I heard a familiar voice; "Do you need help getting there quickly?", I immediately knew it was Samira and I replied "How do you intend on doing that?" "Just close your eyes and walk straight" "But there's a wall straight ahead" "Trust me and do it". I did as she instructed and I could feel my body getting very hot and I opened my eyes only to see myself as a shadow and I walked straight through the wall but instead of getting to the other side, I saw myself in a familiar building; it was an old building behind our school. All the flames on my body began to go off as I turned back human. I tried talking to Samira; "How was that possible?" I asked, "You'd be surprised at what a Persian Goddess is capable of" she replied, with a mesmerized look, I headed for school.

I bumped into Dylan while I was rushing in, "What's with the face, Tanya? You look like you saw a ghost" "Trust me, a ghost isn't something that would scare me at this point" I replied as I made my way to class.

We had biology practicals and we were to dissect frogs. I wanted to pair with either of Charles, Aria or Jennie but I couldn't because I wasn't on time and so I had to sit with a new student which was dark skinned but had blonde afro hair and Jade eyes. "Hi... I'm Tanya" I said in order to get to know him better but he responded in a low tone; "I'm Alexander", and immediately I could tell that he didn't like talking to people much.

We started off; we had to get our frogs out of a case by our desks and we began dissecting by our teacher's command. While we were studying the frogs, I could have sworn that mine moved but I couldn't be sure until our school's resident mean girl Katherine otherwise know as Kathy for short, took off into the air while screaming "It moved" and immediately all the dissected frogs came to life and started hopping around. Normally I would have been surprised but after being addressed to as a "Persian Goddess" pretty much nothing is abnormal to me but still I had to react to show that I'm a normal human and I followed them all to run outside.

Mid the hassle, I spotted Alexander walking down the hallway and outside to the parking lot and I followed him. I hid behind one of the cars until I heard him say, "I can already tell that you're there, there's no need to hide". I reluctantly came out and stared at him; "What're you doing here, Alexander?" "Quit the act princess, I'm here to watch over you by Chief Reza's command" "What do you mean?" "We know that you've been having... can I say... 'unceremonious' visits from were-shadows" "Who told you guys about it?" "Chief Reza can sense occurrences and he was able to sense this one. Who did you meet with by the way?" "I didn't think to ask for his name but he had green hair", at that mention, his eyes widened and he said to himself; "Could it be....?", then I asked; "What is it?" "It's nothing but please report to me whenever you encounter him again" "Okay", I said still being unsure of why he was shocked by that person. "I'll be here for a little while, so you have to get comfortable to seeing me here everyday" "Okay, but how did you bring those dissected frogs back to life" "That's exactly why I'm going out, I need to find out who did it because a death manipulation shadow is a 'Chief Reza ranked" type of were-shadow and it is present at your school which means that they have really big plans concerning you and so I have to call for a meeting With the 'Bureau of Shadows' and before you ask, it's a group of top ranked mere-shadows who handle possible threats from the were-shadows" "Are you guys really certain that they mean to harm me?" "There's no reason to ask that because you're a mere-shadow and they're were-shadow, they'll never have good intentions towards you" "So is it still safe to come over to the shadow world?" "I'll discuss it with them and we will get back to you" "Alright then" "Very well. I must take my leave now princess", he turns around and turned into a shadow and he took off, literally; he flew into the clouds till I couldn't see him again and I began to wonder all the types of shadows they are.

I turned back and went to join the rest in the hallway. I got joined up by Aria, Jennie and Charles; "I'm still getting goosebumps after what just happened" Jennie said with a frightened tone, "I don't even know how that was possible. I mean those frogs were already dead and dissected, how are they moving all of a sudden?" Aria added. "I've heard about necromancy but this is on a whole different level and I can't even believe that it's real... I wonder if vampires and werewolves are real as well" Charles said with a confused look on his face. "I just hope that we're not entering into the dark ages cause I don't think that my Louis Vuitton boots can handle running" Jennie said, "Trust me Jennie, if it's so, you'll be running bare footed with your boots in hand" Aria said, "Wait a minute, are we really thinking about a supernatural era? This could as well be a prank or something like that" Aria added, "I don't know what type of prank that was, but it wasn't funny. I hope they get to the bottom of this cause I won't feel comfortable till we're assured that it's an act or prank" Charles said. "Let's all just hope that everything's gonna be ok and we'll settle this all without worrying much about any air quote 'supernatural era' or anything like that" I said trying to get them to calm down a little.

After a short while, our principal, Mr Donald David came to address us; "Good day to you all. I am here to apologize on behalf of the school authority about the commotion and to assure you that everything's under control" and just then Dylan yelled out; "Does dead and dissected frogs coming to live, fall under the category of 'under control' ", "I understand your worries and concern but it was just a magic trick pranks pulled by one of our freshman students who has the feeling of pulling the greatest freshman year prank. So you all have no reason for panic or to get into a twist over things, we assure you that it's all a mishap that's under control by the school authorities. After hearing that, everyone all gave sighs of relief and chattered among themselves. "Phew! that's a relief. My Louis Vuitton boots are safe" Jennie said with a less tensed face, "Are you being real right now? We just got assured that a possible threat has been evaded and you are worried about your LV boots?" Aria said with an eyebrow raised, "Well I'm saying things from my perspective, you guys should try it out, it's really helpful to help you breathe better... Try being in my shoes, literally" Jennie replied. "Oh! Sweet Jennie, I wouldn't be caught dead in those 12 inches tall boots and heels that you put on" Aria said as she placed her hand on Jennie's shoulder. We all looked at Aria and burst into laughter; "What!? I'm just saying. It takes a 'supernatural human' to move in those" Aria said, "Then I guess I'm a vampire" Jennie replied with a Dracula accent and we all laughed and went for our next class.