Stealing chicken without eclipsing rice

However, the expected heavy objects did not sound, but there was a cry for help.

"Oh, big brother, save me!"

Panic sounds through fear and trembling, it is the voice of the second emperor Xuanyuan!

Everyone looked at the top of the restaurant. This time, everyone shouted in confusion.

Xuanyuanjing was actually hung on the broken fence of the restaurant, sandwiched between the second floor and the third floor, and could not go down, but could only call for help.


I don't know who gave the first laugh, and everyone couldn't help but laugh.

When Xuanyuanjing fell, the clothes were cut, revealing the white butt, and ridiculed!

"The two queens' **** are really white enough!"

Among the crowds, a voice came quietly, and everyone laughed.

"Haha, today we can see the **** of the royal family, it is no different!"

On weekdays, Xuanyuanjing has always been arrogant, and it is not uncommon to insult the civilians. It is rare to see the scene of Xuanyuan's humiliation. Everyone feels a happy moment!

Listening to this, Xuanyuan Jing felt that the **** was too cool, and he wanted to go to shame when he reached out.

When he just released his right hand, his body slipped a few points, and immediately dared not let go, he could only turn to Xuanyuan for help.

Xuanyuan's face was also very ugly. I thought about insulting the emperor's sorrow. I never thought of Xuanjingjing's ugly appearance. Instead, he lost his face and immediately greeted his hand and saved Xuanyuan's scenery.

At this point, the talents looked at the emperor, and suddenly his face was more strange.

Because of the fall of the emperor, I don't know when there are two round **** of hair!

The hair ball was parked unbiasedly under the fall of the emperor, so the emperor was not injured.

What is called stealing chickens is not eclipsed, everyone is a complete insight today!

"What a hell!" Xuanyuan sighed and angered: "Who is this hairball?"

When the voice fell, I saw a white figure in the crowd, and the beautiful face was faint and light smile.

"Sorry, the two cushions that I just bought, rolled out without holding it steady, and I still hope that the son is not strange."

Under the sun, the white figure was dyed with a touch of golden awns, and the clear and refined face was as fresh and moving as Qinglian.

I saw a woman wearing a white dress, sketching out the bumpy body, such as a waterfall-like long hair casually rolled up, a few strands of hair hanging down on the cheeks, revealing lazy and casual.

The slender willow eyebrows are warm and touching, and a pair of phoenixes are as dazzling as glass, and the lips are not point and Zhu, reflecting the smooth skin like white jade, people can not help but feel the beauty of a beautiful woman!

Xuanyuan had a big shackle and looked at the slightly familiar face. He wondered: "How does this woman look so much like a red makeup?"

"What is your name?" Xuanyuan Heng asked.

"Under the red makeup."

The familiar name made Xuanyuan even more skeptical, but when I looked at it carefully, I suddenly swept away my doubts.

Although this woman's eyebrows are similar to the colorful makeup, but the temperament or the other is far from being comparable to the red makeup.

A touch of stunning coveted light filled the eyes of Xuanyuan, and this woman was even more beautiful than the one that claimed to be the first beauty of the Imperial City!

If you can accept it, I am afraid that I will not know how many people will envy!