With the body

Baili red makeup black if the scorpion of the deep pool smashed the light, as expected, Xuanyuan did not recognize her identity!

In a month's time, her appearance has changed a lot.

She has always been rigorous in the generals. Since she was remarried, she was not taken seriously. The meals sent by the next ones were not as good as one day. Together with the depression, the whole person was yellow and thin and ugly.

After a month of cultivation, her skin is full, and her temperament and fascination are completely different from the past. I believe that even if she sees her, it is difficult to determine that she is a hundred-mile red makeup.

Quickly walked to the side of the emperor's beggar, the black and white hair ball has already been voiced to complain to her at the moment, I did not expect to be used as a cushion on the first day when I went out!

"The son, I have saved you with this cushion. Are you supposed to..."

The red makeup words were not finished, and the golden figure that was facing her back suddenly turned around, and a beautiful face appeared in front of it.

This time, the voice of the hundred-mile red makeup suddenly stopped, even though she had already heard that the grandfather was handsome and unparalleled, and there was still a feeling of being shocked when it was seen.

The man's facial features are beautiful, the eyebrows, lips and nose are all exquisite to the extreme, and the light of the moonlight is clear and clear.

The warm and charming smile blooms on this unparalleled beauty, and the beauty is like a god, as if imprinted into the heart, unforgettable.

A golden robes are worn on his body, noble and dazzling, and the temperament is far better than Xuanyuan and others.

"Girl, thank you for your cushion."

The warm and mellow voice came, and the emperor smirked and looked at the hundred-mile red makeup. The dark and bright scorpion, like the obsidian, passed a touch of stunning color.

The red-haired makeup smelled back quickly. Even if it fell from the third floor, Emperor Beibei did not seem to panic. It seems that she underestimated him.

The lush five-finger squirting out, the bright red smile on his face, "The son, so my cushion has saved you, is it worth paying? One hundred gold coins!"

Hearing the words, the emperor's eyes were as deep as a sigh of relief, but Jun's face was serious. "Please ask the girl for a favor."

Doubt red makeup doubts, what is this guy still busy to help?

In the next moment, in the gaze of the red makeup, I saw the emperor lying on the ground, saying: "The girl can fall once again, and you can make your cushions down. We don't owe each other."

Baili red makeup mouth twitching, who has nothing to jump from the third floor!

This guy looks like a handsome and upright, but it is a bright and rogue!

"Hello, you are also a prince, shouldn't you want to pay?"

Baili red makeup squinted at the eyes of the emperor, I thought of taking this opportunity to get some gold coins from the latter's hands, I did not expect this guy to be so stingy, even this shameless method would come out.

That's right! It is shameless!

"I am not the one who is responsible for the account!"

The red-browed complexion eased a few points. However, the next words of Emperor Beibei gave her the urge to jump.

"But... I don't have anything worthwhile." Emperor North bitterly thought about his face. "Is it better than...

"The next pair of skins is still barely strong."

The hundred-mile-red makeup only feels that the temple is beating, and the low-headed face around me is like a woman who is going to marry.