People are your people.

"A hundred gold coins, you can't make a sale?" Repressing the urge to run away, the red makeup is stunned.

Emperor Beibei shyly nodded, "I hate! People are already your people, and what money is not money? Talking about money hurts feelings!"

Taking advantage of such a dynasty, the red face of the hundred-year-old makeup, she could not imagine that the prince is so shameless!

For the one hundred gold coins, even this kind of selling and spoiling dramas are all performed. It seems that she wants to get this one hundred gold coins.

"I am unlucky!" Baili red makeup angrily out, before I was cheated by this guy's face!

Said, Baili red makeup picked up two hair **** and walked outside the crowd. She really didn't want to talk to this guy anymore, otherwise she was afraid that she would not be able to push this guy down from the third floor. what!

"Girl, everyone is yours, so I have to tell me the name of the address!" Emperor Beibei shouted behind.

Hearing that the red makeup immediately accelerated his pace, this guy is too shameful, or do not know well!

"Shameless! This is the most shameless guy I have ever seen!"

Walking in the middle of the street, Baili red makeup has a look of indignant color. It has always been her cheapness for others. Today, it has been taken advantage of by Emperor Beibei. It is really abominable!

"A certain talent is even more shameless. If you say it, let us play it out. In a blink of an eye, we will use us as a cushion. Oh!"

"When it's a cushion, it's not going to ask us to eat delicious, it's even more shameless! Hey!"

Listening to the dissatisfaction of the two hairballs, the smile of the red makeup was slightly embarrassing, and then said: "This can not blame me, I wanted to earn a hundred gold coins for you to buy, I did not expect that guy to pay!"

"Hey, I don't believe it!" Xiaohe said.

"I don't believe it either!" Xiaobai echoed.

Seeing the two guys look so ghostly, the red-browed makeup is a little helpless, and I bought two buns on the street and handed it to the hairball. "Eat!"

Looking at the buns in front of me, the two pairs of grape-like big eyes instantly turned into star eyes, and two thin and short hands stretched out from the fleshy body and immediately caught the buns!

The eyes of the red makeup are full of smiles, these two guys are so good to send!

Xiaohei and Xiaobai have always lived in the ring of chaos, relying on Yuanli to survive, and have not eaten anything for a long time, so after they came out, they have completely become two foodies!

After staying in the unattended corner and waiting for the two hairballs to finish the buns, the red makeup continued to walk on the street.

"Master, the shameless person just now is not simple!"

Xiao Hei, who had eaten something, had already forgotten the unhappiness that had been used as a cushion before, and seriously talked about the situation with Baili Red Makeup.

Baili red makeup Liu Mei slightly pick, "How is it not simple?"

"The guy's mental strength is very strong. If he didn't guess wrong, his strength is also very strong, but I don't know why he has suppressed his cultivation." Xiaobai added.

Feng Wei Wei Wei, this result is not unexpected for the hundred-mile red makeup, no wonder that the guy fell from the third floor and there is no extreme panic, because this guy is not afraid!

"Repair is suppressed?" If the shackles of the secluded pool are filled with the color of thinking, "the emperor has always been inexplicable since its appearance, and his legs are disabled. He is suppressed and suppressed. I am afraid there are many secrets. "

"How strong is his original strength?" asked Bailihong makeup.